Yes, the Gist house has been a mad house!
We finally got moved .. Had to spread it over the course of 3 days. It was MISERABLE! It would have been so much nicer and easier to do it in one sweep but that didn't happen. Saturday it was freezing but no rain! Sunday, we didn't really move too much-mostly finished up packing and I was cleaning like crazy so we can get as much of our deposit back as possible. But Monday it was POURING outside!! Miserable.
To make things even better both Tony and I had colds. FUN FUN! We had a friend from Church watch Zoe on Saturday so we got a chunk of everything moved that day. But we made the mistake of not getting someone to watch her Sunday or Monday. Sunday Zoe learned how to climb up the stairs and we had already taken down and moved the baby gates (we couldn't get some of the furniture out unless we removed them) so it was almost impossible keeping her away from the stairs. And she was FAST too.
We are loving our new place. Planning to paint the whole place (on the inside) but will start with the kitchen. Still aren't completely unpacked but slowly getting there. It's kind of weird to be back in our 'old' neighborhood but LOVE being back on this side of town. Closer to Tony's work, Church, Target and many other things.
I updated Zoe's 11 month old picture on the side. It's not the best picture but I think it's kinda cute! :)
2 weeks until Zoe's 1st birthday! WOW! Can't believe it! We are planning a party for her the end of March ... But we'll see. It's a busy month!
Zoe has also decided to outgrow EVERYTHING all at once. My budget can't handle that! She's outgrowing her car seat, clothes (some of her 12 month stuff makes her look like the hulk!), socks, EVERYTHING! Everyone's getting their spring/summer stuff out, but it's unfortunately still too cold for capris and short sleeve tops! I'm in clothing limbo!
Zoe is also walking more and more. She'll stand herself up and walk around the house. She's not getting horribly far without falling but definitely getting better! She laughs when she stumbles and falls-which is nice. (Unless she's tired then she cries!) So far no injuries or running into any furniture. Let's see how long that lasts!
Well, I think that brings you up to date on us.
Hope all our family and friends are doing well!