Sunday, November 27, 2011

Crazy Zoe!

Zoe is such a handful.  And it scares me to think soon, I will have 2. 

Zoe loves to draw and color.  But unfortunately she has realized crayons and colored pencils can draw on anything, not just paper.

My laundry basket.

The bathroom door.

We are investing in the Crayola markers that only draw on their special paper.  :)

She also LOVES to Skype!  We've been Skyping with Grandma and Grandpa Gist in Indiana at least once a week.  And when you say "Skype" she goes running for the computer. 

She loves playing house.  More importantly she loves playing with her babies/stuffed animals.  She loves to put her babies in her high chair and she tries to feed them snacks.  Yesterday, I caught her trying to change her baby.  She got a wipe and washed her face and her hair and then she laid her down on a diaper.

Her vocabulary is also growing leaps and bounds.  She's learning a lot of food words.  Apple and Bagel for instance.  Oh and the most hilarious thing she says is "cookie".  She doesn't get to eat cookies but she learned it from the Cookie Monster.  And she says it just like the Cookie Monster which is why it's so hilarious!  She also likes hummus, but she has to dip the pita bread herself. 

Some of her vocabulary includes:

Pa Pa (Grandpa), momma, daddy, doggy, Bubby (our dog), apple, bagel, no, hi, bye, baby, sock, shoe, go, water, book, belly, potty, cheese, yummy, ouch, cute, gentle, meow (she likes to meow like a cat), moo (she can moo like cow), cookie, hug, and a few others that I'm sure I'm missing.  :)

Lately her big thing has been to say "go bye-bye".  She'll grab her coat and walk to the door.

I'm sure I'm forgetting to tell you something....Who knows what it is.  I blame the pregnant brain.

Oh Zoe does have a checkup tomorrow, so I'll be sure to share that with you in the coming days. 

Hope you all had a wonderful Holiday!  Let the countdown til Christmas begin!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

No Pictures?! No Videos?!

I know...I know...Have I completely fallen off the face of the Earth?!

I'm really slacking over here in Oregon!

I haven't been getting on the computer much..When Zoe takes her afternoon nap, I take an afternoon nap and when she's up, we're busy playing and then at night, I just crash. 

I haven't really taken pictures or any video...I must be in a funk!

There is one thing in particular I'd love to capture on video and it's quite hilarious.

Zoe's grandma (Tony's mom in Arizona) sent a "baby-proof" photo album last Christmas for Zoe and one of the pictures is of Alex-Tony's brother.  Well, Zoe saw that picture and she went nuts..."DADDY! DADDY! DADDY!"  I tried telling her it was Uncle Alex but she is convinced it's daddy!  She does recognize Tony in pictures, but this one got her confused.  Can't blame her though...They do look a lot alike!

I still haven't posted pictures from our Indiana trip...Again, major fail on my part.  Santa surprised us a little early with Christmas and gave us a new computer so all the pictures are on the old computer but I think Tony's working on getting everything moved.  Once I figure out where the pictures are exactly, I will post them. 

Speaking of new computer, the reason Santa surprised us with a new computer was so we could Skype with family!  (Our old MAC was not compatible with any webcam...It was quite outdated!).   Oh how I LOVE Skype!  No lag, no losing connection, just awesome!  Zoe really enjoys Skyping with grandma and grandpa in Indiana and soon we will be able to Skype with grandma in Arizona!  Can't wait!  So, if you ever wanna Skype, hit us up! 

I'm still feeling fairly yucky.  I had an awful migraine yesterday with limited medication options.  Luckily yesterday was one of Tony's days off, so he was home to help with Zoe. I'll be 12 weeks on Friday, so I'm hoping things will start turning around SOON.  (Details on the pregnancy to come later...)

I haven't been crafting much lately but just recently got some new books from the library and am very excited about some upcoming projects. 

One of them being-make us Christmas stockings.  We searched and searched for new stockings last year and we could not find any that we liked.  So it suddenly occurred to me, why not make some that we will like?!  So, I'm hoping this weekend I can pick up some fabric.

Also on my crafting list-adorable cupcake pin cushions!  Such a cute idea!  And they'll make great little gifts.  Question is, do I know anyone who sews who would like a cupcake pin cushion?!

Tony's been busy at work.  Doing more reporting and also working hard on his weekly segment, Tasty Tuesday.  I often complain (on the bad days) about his long hours, but I am very proud of him and the amazing work he does.  He does have a couple weeks off the first of December so that'll be nice for him (well, us). 

Well, I think that's it for now...

We love you and miss you all!

(Side note: Aunt Karen, if you're reading this, I have been CRAVING your grape salad like nothing else!!!!  YUM!!)

Alright, I couldn't not post a picture...I found a mobile upload from my Facebook page of Zoe last Sunday morning.  I wasn't feeling too hot and apparently she was feeling a bit sleepy still.  She put herself under the covers and just made herself at home.  She didn't say there long, but it made for a cute picture!