Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Results of our Ultrasound!

WOW!  What an exciting (and exhausting!) day.  Definitely worth the exhaustion!

So first we had our ultrasound which took about half an hour.  Of course she asked if we wanted to know what we were having (if she could tell) and I said "YES!".  It still kind of blows my mind people when people don't want to know but to each his own...Anyway, so there was a monitor that was placed nicely so I could see without straining my neck and as soon as she started, you could see the baby!  And it really looked like a baby!  Our first ultrasound it just looked like a blob in a tear drop, but this time, there was no denying that it was a baby.  We saw the profile and the heart beating (which is always a relief to see) and then she went looking to see if it was a boy or girl.  It took her a while..She kept moving it around trying to get a good angle and I thought knowing our luck the baby wouldn't be cooperating and we wouldn't be able to find out.  But, finally, she pointed on the screen and said "Those are girl parts!" to which I think I got a huge grin!  Let's back up for a minute...Right when Tony and I found out I was pregnant, within a week or so, I told him it was a girl.  I just had this gut feeling it was..I was drawn to girl things, it just never occured to me it could be a boy.  But of course when people started saying they thought it was a boy, I started to doubt myself.  But in the end, I really did know!

Anyway, we got to see just about everything.  The brain, spine, kidneys, bladder, stomach, heart, diaphragm, legs, arms, hands, nose, lip, umbilical cord, placenta, EVERYTHING!  It was amazing!  And then they got some 3D shots which were just mind boggling! At one point she was trying to get certain angles of things but the baby wasn't cooperating!  The ultrasound tech needed the baby to turn so I had to lay on my side to try and get her to move.  Luckily she finally did. 

Then it was off to see my regular doctor at my regular clinic and I was a bit nervous...We had to get the "results" of our ultrasound from the doctor.  But he assured us everything was looking great and right on schedule.  He said the heart beat was normal (153 beats per minute!)...The kidneys were there and creating urine, they could see it in the bladder, the brain was developing normally, and from what they could see of the heart, it looked fine.  So, that was a relief!

He did mention the placenta is in the front of the uterus.  It's not blocking the cervix which would be an issue, it's just in front.  So he said I probably wouldn't feel the baby move as much because the placenta acts like a padding where it is.  Which was comforting because I've been reading and talking to friends and everything says I should be feeling kicks soon and I haven't been.  I've been feeling some fluttering, but nothing major.  I'm glad he forwarned me!  I would have been obssessed about it!  And because of where the placenta is, he wants to do another ultrasound at 32 weeks just to make sure the baby is growing properly. 

All in all, everything looks good.  I'll continue to have doctor appointments every 4 weeks, until I'm 28 weeks, then they'll be every 2, and then at thirty some odd weeks, I'll go every week.  Oh and my due date is staying where it is...The ultrasound was right with the date the doctor gave. 

So here are the pictures of the ultrasound..I might be kind of biased but I think she's quite cute already!  And right now she's still pretty much bones so she'll look kind of like a skelton, but a cute skelton!





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