Monday I had another doctor's appointment! I also got a chance to see Zoe again!
I first had the ultrasound...They said it was going to be a "quick" one, just to check her growth. I think it was just as long as the first one! The ultrasound tech took measurements of her head, femur bone, stomach, and a couple other things. She showed me Zoe's kidneys, heart, and spine. She was a different tech then the last time and she agreed that Zoe is a girl! That was comforting! HA!
When they do the ultrasound they jab that probe thing really hard against my belly and it hurts after a while...Zoe was quiet and calm UNTIL they started doing the ultrasound. And then she started jumping around and kicking. The poor tech was trying to get measurements and Zoe kept moving on her! So between the uncomfortable ultrasound probe thing and Zoe kicking and tumbling, it got quite uncomfortable and I was relieved when everything was over! I don't think Zoe liked that probe! We did get a few more new pictures but we don't have a scanner and Tony tried to take pictures of them, but they didn't come out so well. I did make a few extra copies to send to grandparents and hopefully I can get them on the computer so everyone else can see them! We got a really good shot of her face...The tech said she has some hair (you can see the fuzz on her head!) and she looks like she has chubby cheeks! We also got another 3D picture, but Tony has a hard time seeing her face...I think it's quite obvious but that's just me! :) Anyway, grandparents look for those in the mail SOON!
After the ultrasound I saw my doctor and he told me she's in the 63rd percentile for size! Which he says means she's a little bigger then normal, but not like huge. If she continues to grow at the rate babies normally grow at this stage, she'll be 8 pounds by my due date...So, knowing my luck that means she's be closer to 9! HA! We're going to do another ultrasound at 36 weeks just to see her one more time and to check her size. I'm kinda nervous. If she's close to 9 pounds I foresee a C-Section in my future!
We're not going to discuss my weight gain. It was bad over the last 2 weeks which I don't understand! So, I'm being EXTRA EXTRA careful so that at my next appointment I won't faint when I see the number! :) But really, my total weight gain isn't that bad...YET! Hehe.
As of today we hit 33 weeks, which means only 7 more to go (unless she decides to come early!). I'm freaking out a bit. I got the registry done at Target..Tony's taking me crib shopping tomorrow and I think I'm having a baby shower towards the end of February with some ladies at Church. I hate waiting until the last minute to get things done!
Anyway, I'll try to keep the blog updated..I've been lazy the last week or so! I got sick last week (I think all the excitement of moving, plus work, plus Bubby's surgery etc caught up with me cause I didn't get out of bed for a whole day last week..I just felt awful!)...On the days I work I lay around most of the morning, go to work in the afternoon, come home, eat dinner, and then go to bed! I'm so bad!
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