Friday, April 9, 2010

Zoe's 2 week check up!

Zoe had her 2 week check up on Tuesday!  It was sort of bad timing on my part...I set the appointment for 1:30 PM which of course was around the time she'd want to eat!  So, I had to feed her while we waited and of course she didn't finish so she got a little upset when we interrupted her eating so she could be weighed and measured!

So, Zoe shrank a little.  She was 20 1/4 inches at birth but on Tuesday was 20 in.  Nurse said it was normal if she shrank, but she was kind of squirming (remember she was mad she didn't get to finish eating!) so we may not have had her laid out all the way and got an inaccurate measurement.  Either way, it's fine.  At 20 inches she is in the 25th percentile for length.  She weighed in at 8 pounds 4 ounces which puts her in the 45th percentile. 

Oregon state law requires metabolic screening.  The test is done twice..Once right after birth at the hospital and then again at 2 weeks.  So, Zoe got her little heel pricked again so they could run this test.  The nurse commented on how strong Zoe was...She didn't like the nurse holding onto her foot and tried to get it back!  She actually seemed surprised at how strong she was.

I'm still nursing but supplementing with formula.  At our last appointment the doctor wanted us to try and wean Zoe off formula and just do breast milk but I haven't been producing that much milk hence the supplementing.  He said it's fine and she's gaining weight at the normal rate.

Zoe's not much a spit-up kind of girl, which is lucky for us.  She's only done it a couple of times, so that's good.

So really it was a quick check up..We got back June 1st for her 2 month check up and she'll also get her first set of immunizations.  That should be interesting...

Today we had a follow up with an audiologist since her one ear got referred at the hospital when she was born.  They checked both ears today and they're fine!  Perfect!  Her hearing is fine.  Which I assumed because she kind of jumps when she hears a loud noise.  It's kinda cute but I feel bad she gets kinda spooked!!

Well, I guess that's it for now.  Check our youtube page for videos..I uploaded a couple the other day..Nothing too exciting.  One is of the delivery room at the hospital, one of Bubby and Zoe, and one of Zoe smiling.  Hopefully we'll get some more up soon, that have a little more action!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Zoe's a Local Celebrity!!

Zoe's already making the news!!  Helps that daddy works for a news station!!

How is Mommy Doing?!

I know this blog is supposed to be about Zoe, but I've had a few people ask me how I'm doing...This will be a short post, I promise!

The first week or so was rough.  I could NOT stop crying!!  I definitely had the baby blues! Majorly!  On top of the hormones going nuts and the crying, I wasn't sleeping well, so the tiredness wasn't helping the emotional craziness!  We could not get Zoe to sleep in her bassinet for the first 5 days or so.  So she was sleeping in our bed which meant I wasn't sleeping!  I was so afraid of rolling over her or crushing her, I could not sleep...So I was only sleeping for a few hours during the day when Tony was home from work.  Physically I was miserable...That also contributed to the crying.  Everything HURT.  I told you I had a second degree tear so it hurt to sit, to go to the bathroom, to stand up, to walk up the stairs, basically to move. 

I guess EVERYTHING combined contributed to the rough week!

But now, two weeks out, I'm feeling pretty good!  I'm almost back in my pre-pregnancy pants which is comforting.  I can get them on and buttoned and zipped, I just have this ugly roll thing that hangs over the top so I've got another 5 pounds or so before they'll be comfortable! HA!  I'm still healing from the tear but definitely doing much better then before!  The hormones have calmed down a bit so I'm not constantly crying. 

I go back to work May 1st and I'm already worried about it.  Because of our work schedules when I go to work I'm leaving her with Tony which helps me feel better.  But I still don't want to leave!  I'm only working part time, from 3-8 PM (for now at least).  So, yeah I'm already stressing and thinking about having to go back to work and I just don't want to leave my baby!!

All in all, I'm doing much better!  As time goes by the "trauma" of her delivery seems a little less, well, traumatic, so I'm already excited about having baby number 2 in a COUPLE of years!! For now, I'm enjoying EVERY minute of my perfect little girl!!  She's so darn cute!  I can't believe how much time I could spend just staring at her.  She doesn't do much, but what she does do is so stinkin' cute!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Oddly enough...

..I miss being pregnant!  I know I complained a lot during my pregnancy but really it wasn't that bad..And now, that I'm not pregnant I miss it!  There's something so incredible about carrying a baby..feeling it move etc.  So amazing.  And while after delivering Zoe I was a little traumatized and thought I'd never go through that again, a couple weeks out, I'm already looking forward to having number 2!!  Obviously not anytime soon but hopefully in the next couple of years!  Right now I'm enjoying my time with Zoe.  She's amazing and totally perfect!

I'm getting used to doing things with one hand...I really need to get a carrier for her!  Lately she hasn't let me put her down for more then 5 minutes..Night time has been a little rough.  She falls asleep in my arms, I lay her down in the bassinet and bam she's awake!!  Yesterday I was able to put her in her swing for a little while and I was running around the house trying to get things done while I could!!

I also was able to take her to Church this last Sunday...I was nervous the WHOLE service just waiting for her to have a meltdown.  (But she didn't!  She stayed awake the whole service and fell asleep at the very end..)  I took her by myself because Tony caught the flu so he stayed home.  Everyone loved her..I couldn't walk more then 5 feet without being stopped!!  She's already very popular and very much loved and spoiled!!

More Pictures!!





Yeah I'm pretty sure I have the most gorgeous baby EVER!!  Hehe!!