Friday, April 9, 2010

Zoe's 2 week check up!

Zoe had her 2 week check up on Tuesday!  It was sort of bad timing on my part...I set the appointment for 1:30 PM which of course was around the time she'd want to eat!  So, I had to feed her while we waited and of course she didn't finish so she got a little upset when we interrupted her eating so she could be weighed and measured!

So, Zoe shrank a little.  She was 20 1/4 inches at birth but on Tuesday was 20 in.  Nurse said it was normal if she shrank, but she was kind of squirming (remember she was mad she didn't get to finish eating!) so we may not have had her laid out all the way and got an inaccurate measurement.  Either way, it's fine.  At 20 inches she is in the 25th percentile for length.  She weighed in at 8 pounds 4 ounces which puts her in the 45th percentile. 

Oregon state law requires metabolic screening.  The test is done twice..Once right after birth at the hospital and then again at 2 weeks.  So, Zoe got her little heel pricked again so they could run this test.  The nurse commented on how strong Zoe was...She didn't like the nurse holding onto her foot and tried to get it back!  She actually seemed surprised at how strong she was.

I'm still nursing but supplementing with formula.  At our last appointment the doctor wanted us to try and wean Zoe off formula and just do breast milk but I haven't been producing that much milk hence the supplementing.  He said it's fine and she's gaining weight at the normal rate.

Zoe's not much a spit-up kind of girl, which is lucky for us.  She's only done it a couple of times, so that's good.

So really it was a quick check up..We got back June 1st for her 2 month check up and she'll also get her first set of immunizations.  That should be interesting...

Today we had a follow up with an audiologist since her one ear got referred at the hospital when she was born.  They checked both ears today and they're fine!  Perfect!  Her hearing is fine.  Which I assumed because she kind of jumps when she hears a loud noise.  It's kinda cute but I feel bad she gets kinda spooked!!

Well, I guess that's it for now.  Check our youtube page for videos..I uploaded a couple the other day..Nothing too exciting.  One is of the delivery room at the hospital, one of Bubby and Zoe, and one of Zoe smiling.  Hopefully we'll get some more up soon, that have a little more action!

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