Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Celebrating Our Asian-ness!

This weekend was the annual Asian Celebration so of course we had to take Zoe!

Here's a cute video of Zoe watching Taiko.

She was so excited watching the performances!  It was so fun to watch her!

Anyway, here are a few more pictures.

I LOVE this picture of Zoe and Tony.  It's so funny and cute.  They were both so fixated on the martial arts performances.  I joke that these are 'my two peas in a pod, bonding over their Asian-ness'.


She did not want to sit still for any picture taking!



She did eventually pass out.


I mean really pass out!


But that just gave her more energy to watch Taiko and dancers!


Eventually, she got tired again and it was time to go home!


Can't wait til next year!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Just ONE more video!

So last night we were getting ready for dinner and hubby was playing with Zoe while I heated up her dinner.  And she just started laughing hysterically!  I couldn't catch it all on video but I caught most of it.

She has the BEST laugh EVER!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Videos and Such ...

I've uploaded a few videos but I'm not sure that I've posted them on here.  I try and post them on Facebook and also send them to family/friends so I sometimes forget where I've posted/sent them and where I haven't.

So here's the latest!

Zoe took a few steps last night without holding onto anything!!  YAY!  Still not walking, mostly crawling, but I think we're getting there!

We were watching the Super Bowl when we heard some strange noises.  Zoe discovered a new noise to make.

Zoe also learned how to shake her head.

I think that gets you up to date on the videos.

As far as everything else, Zoe is doing great!  She's over her cold/sinus infection and I can't tell you how thankful I was when 10 day on her antibiotics arrived.  Trying to give a 10 month old medicine 2 times a day for 10 days is a really big pain!! 

She's eating more and more solids now.  She really enjoys oatmeal (not the baby oatmeal) with FRUIT!!  YES!!  I was able to sneak it in some oatmeal and she eats it up like crazy!  I stopped buying mixed veggies because all she did was pick out the green beans and peas and wouldn't eat the carrots or corn.  So now I just buy green beans and peas.  Go figure.  We're still not giving her juice, just water and she really loves the water.  When I get a sippy cup ready, she gets really excited!  Zoe has also become quite the climber.  A bit scary at times.  I imagine it'll only get worse. 

She'll be 11 months tomorrow!  Can't believe it.

Counting down the days until her 1st birthday!  Oh and we'll be moving in 9 days!  YAY!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day!

I couldn't get her to sit still for anything nor could I get her to look at the camera!





She's almost 11 months old.   Can you believe it?!  I can't.  It's gone by fast!  And she's outgrowing her 12 month size clothes!!  Oh and we're moving in just 10 days!  YAY!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Secret to Share ....

So I guess I have a small confession to make.

And please note this is something I've wanted to take to my GRAVE.  Telling you is not a highlight in my life at all.

I have found myself to be a stay-at-home mom once again.

I had started my DREAM job and things were going well.  I was learning A LOT and really loving it.  I was stressed, don't get me wrong.  There was A LOT to learn but I felt confident I could handle it and hoped in about 6 months I would have things down pretty well.

Unfortunately, there was a clash between me and someone at work.  I honestly don't know what happened or what sparked their strong dislike for me, but they DID NOT like me at all.  Complained about every thing I did or didn't do.  It was a nightmare.

So it reached a point where it was decided I was not a good fit for the team.

And believe me, that has never happened.  I'd like to consider myself a fairly nice person and fairly easy going person.  There have been few people in my life I haven't gotten along with. 

It was a huge disappointment.  Not only because this was my dream job but because it was A job! 

But we know God always has a plan for us.

And it just so happened that the day after all this happened Tony got offered a little bit of a promotion and raise at work! 

He will still be primarily a photographer but he'll also do some reporting and editing.  He'll basically be the go-to guy for whatever the station needs!  And now he'll be on salary.

Which of course has its pros and cons.  No more overtime.  So I'll have to make sure Tony doesn't work 12 hours a day cause I know he would!

Also remember, we're moving the end of the month (in just a few weeks actually) to a smaller and cheaper rental so that alone will help make things a bit more comfortable financially.  (Although I almost died when I saw the deposit our electric/water utility company charges!) 

Anyway, I have to honestly say I'm enjoying staying at home with Zoe.  We've gotten a lot done around the house.  Cleaned out her closet and got a lot of stuff sold.  And we're in a great routine/schedule. 

I still would like to find a job-maybe something part time.  I like to have a little money for 'fun' and it would help give us just a little bit more of a cushion.  Once we move I am considering trying to find a couple kids to watch.  That would be nice because then I could make a little money and not have to pay for someone else to watch Zoe!

So that's our life right now.  Yay to Tony for saving the day and boo me for letting the team down!  :)  But it seems to be working out.  We'll just take it one day at a time!

And now for some cuteness for the day:



Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First Birthday!

Yes, I'm already planning her 1st birthday!  Too excited not to!

We wanted to do a monkey or owl theme (cute monkeys and owls of course!) and had found some great decorations I could order online.

But, we happened to be at Target one day and saw some really cute Paul Frank monkey decorations.

They had a boy version and a girl version and so I got some of both.  I didn't think the boys would appreciate having to eat off pink, girly plates!


We are just going to have her party at a local pizza place cause I don't think there will be enough room in our place to host a party.  Plus, it's just easier!  There's a play place the kids can play at and people can just come and go as they want.

So anyway, I just plan on doing balloons and party favors and I need to figure out a cake.

I also was at Gymboree and found an adorable birthday outfit.  Then I went to their website and found another one I like too!

Here are some pictures:



Here's an alternative top that is also super cute!


And then the outfit I saw on their website but not in the store:

