Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First Birthday!

Yes, I'm already planning her 1st birthday!  Too excited not to!

We wanted to do a monkey or owl theme (cute monkeys and owls of course!) and had found some great decorations I could order online.

But, we happened to be at Target one day and saw some really cute Paul Frank monkey decorations.

They had a boy version and a girl version and so I got some of both.  I didn't think the boys would appreciate having to eat off pink, girly plates!


We are just going to have her party at a local pizza place cause I don't think there will be enough room in our place to host a party.  Plus, it's just easier!  There's a play place the kids can play at and people can just come and go as they want.

So anyway, I just plan on doing balloons and party favors and I need to figure out a cake.

I also was at Gymboree and found an adorable birthday outfit.  Then I went to their website and found another one I like too!

Here are some pictures:



Here's an alternative top that is also super cute!


And then the outfit I saw on their website but not in the store:



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