Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Coast!

Let's start with our trip to the coast.

We wanted to go but debated when to go because of weather.  We woke up Monday and it was sunny here so we decided to try the beach...(It was forecasted to be partly cloudy with rain in the morning).  The weather was GORGEOUS!!  Sunny!!  Warm!!  And not windy!!  (It got windy on the beach right as we were leaving..).  We wore long sleeves thinking it would be cold (the last two years we've gone we've worn sweatshirts!) but T-shirts would have been a little better.

Last year our trip to the coast was a little disastrous.  (Including but not limited too-Spending HOURS in the car going to beaches and destinations we did not realize were so far away.  Losing a $50 bill on the beach.  Having way too much stuff to haul onto the beach.  Eating a not so great dinner at a not so great restaurant.)  So glad this went better!

We had a simple and lovely picnic lunch on the beach and mostly lounged around when we weren't hunting for seashells or walking along the beach.

Zoe really hates being dirty...I made rice crispy treats and she didn't like the stickiness on her hands.  We went to the craft store and she touched something and got glitter on her hands...FREAKED out.  So going to the beach wasn't so great at first.  Lots of crying!  She did not like the sand on her hands/feet at first.  And the water was definitely a no because it's SOOOO cold!  She did eventually get over it enough to play in the sand.

We also hit Oldtown Florence which had cute shops and MANY restaurants.  We opted to go for some ice cream instead of a full meal ... Still kind of full from lunch!  We had one accident walking around ... Zoe tripped and fell on some cement and bit her lip and scraped up her chin pretty good.  Luckily that happened as we were getting ready to leave.

Here are just some of the many pictures we took!

Lunch was a hit with everyone! (Turkey and bacon wraps!)

Checking out the ocean.

"I don't like this!!!!"

Daddy kisses to make it better.

"I still don't like this!!!!"

"Hmmmm....Maybe this isn't so awful..."

Daddy tried to make a sandcastle but she kept destroying it.



This is what living in Oregon is all about!  While the Oregon coast is not like the sunny, warm, beaches of say Hawaii, it is still quite relaxing and always fun! 

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