Noah Hiroshi
Again, Hiroshi is Japanese and it means "Generous" and the meaning of names means a lot to me.
I know a lot of people were pushing for family names, but we really felt it important to stick to a Japanese middle name. Naming Zoe after my birth mother wasn't because we were taking the family name aspect of it...We considered many other Japanese middles names for her as well. But knowing everything my birth mother went through to give me life, I couldn't not name my daughter after her. And I don't have any other way of thanking her or honoring her in my life.
I've said before that there are many men we would love to honor by naming Noah after him...Tony's got a few Eugenes in his family, there is my maternal grandfather, my Papa Chip (I lost my grandpa and Chip within a few months of each other..It was a very hard summer..), or even Tony himself. But since we gave Zoe a Japanese middle name we felt it would be weird to not give one to Noah. And, it's a way for us to recognize their Japanese heritage. (They need something to remind them they're Japanese, considering how 'white' I am!)
So anyway, I hope no one takes offense to us not naming him after someone specific. But even if we had decided to not do the Japanese thing, there is no way we could choose between the men we love...They all mean so much to us.