Monday, February 13, 2012

busy busy!

Last week was an oddly busy week...Good..But busy!

Thursday I had another appointment with my midwife.  I'm up 4 pounds total so far..Not bad considering I only have 16 weeks left.  Yikes.  Only 16?

My blood sugars are still not normal...Very borderline.  I thought after my last appointment and the test they ran, I was fine.  But apparently not.  Sooooo...Friday I had a 2 hour glucose test.  Which ended up being 3 hours because the lab was so insanely busy.  I hate the drink they make you take..It's like drinking syrup and it was orange flavored and you only have 5 minutes to drink it, on an empty stomach.  Not fun.  Then I had to have my blood drawn 3 times...Which isn't such a big deal except I have awful veins.  Luckily, I had a very nice and experienced lady who wasn't intimidated by my bad and uncooperative veins.  I'm a bit bruised, but once this test is over, it'll all be over.  If I pass this test, I'm fine...I should still be careful of what I eat, but I won't have gestational diabetes.  If I don't pass, then I do have it and I'll have to monitor my blood sugar.  At this point, I just want to know either way!

We hit a big milestone last week...Zoe is now sleeping in a big girl bed!  No more crib.  I really thought she'd have a harder time with it, but she slept just fine first night, no crying or anything.  She hopped right in and slept like a ... well ... baby.  This made me both happy and a little sad.  She's definitely growing up...Fast.

I've been cleaning out Zoe's stuff...Didn't realize how much of her clothes I kept.  But since I know I won't be needing them, I've gotten them washed and ready to sell.  I have a friend in Arizona who has a son that is exactly 2 months older then Zoe and she is pregnant with her 2nd baby, a girl, who is due just a few weeks before Noah.  We're going to do a trade since we each have things the other person needs!  We're doing flat rate boxes to keep it fair...I just wish we lived closer since our kids will be so close in age!

Papa and Grandma Gist in Indiana sent Zoe some fun stuff for Valentine's Day including an Elmo chair, which she loves.  Proof:

Her hair isn't so cute in this picture...I'm able to get it into REAL pigtails now, but it's kind of a fight to get her to sit still long enough to let me do it.  But she looks adorable with her hair done.  When it's down, like in the above picture, it looks weird.  It's still short in the front but long in the back and sides.  Kinda mullet like.  :)

Anyway, I guess that's it for now.  Feel like I'm forgetting something though....Hmmmm.

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