Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sumo Baby?

Well, today I had my 32 week ultrasound (a couple days early...I won't technically be 32 weeks until Friday).  Noah was much more cooperative this time than last time.  She got all the measurements she needed and she confirmed that he is "definitely" a he.  (Her wording...).  It was a different ultrasound tech this time than last time, so it was like getting a second opinion.  Ha.  But, we definitely saw that he was in fact a boy.  Relief!

The scary part of the ultrasound was when she told me that she "estimates" that he weighs a little over 5 pounds!  According to my research, by the end of the 32nd week, baby should weigh 4 pounds...I'm at the end of my 31st week and she thinks he weighs 5 pounds!  She kept emphasizing that it is just an estimate, but still.  It's a little scary because I still have 8 weeks left til my due date..Plenty of time for him to have a large growth spurt!  I don't need to be birth a 9 pound baby!  HA!  So we'll see what my midwife has to say on Friday.  The rest of the day, Tony and I were joking that he would be our sumo baby.

He was a little shy...He kept his hands and arms in front of his face pretty much the whole time.  We did get some good profile shots and a 3D shot of him with his hands in front of his face.  Pretty sweet.

She also mentioned that he had his feet up by his head at one point too.  No wonder I feel weird kicks and punches!  Flexible little guy.  But as he gets bigger, he won't be able to move around so much.  And maybe I won't get jabbed as much.  :)  I actually don't mind...It's reassuring to know all is well in there.

You might be asking why I'm up at 1:30 AM posting on the blog....It's because Zoe has decided she no longer needs to sleep.  She's been going to bed as late as midnight, (tonight it was more like 1 AM) and getting up at 5, 6, or 7 in the morning.  If I'm lucky, she'll sleep til 8.  But that doesn't happen often.  She does take a good afternoon nap...But bed time, is a nightmare.  Going to bed at midnight, is just not workable situation.  It's AWFUL.  It literally means, I get just a couple hours in the afternoon when she's napping, to myself.  And that's usually the time I take to do household stuff.  So, there's no "me" time.  That sounds selfish, but honestly, who doesn't need a little down time? 

I'm going to "revamp" our bedtime routine and see if that helps.  I sure hope so...I only have weeks until Noah's arrival and I just would like to get as much sleep now as I can! 

Well, I better go get some sleep...It'll be another long day at the Gist house.  I wake up and start counting down til nap time.  :)

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