Yesterday I shared our disappointing news with you.
I can't tell you what a difference a day makes.
Today I woke up with an incredible sense of peace.
I didn't feel discouraged.
I didn't feel stressed.
I didn't feel stressed.
I didn't feel sad.
I felt strong.
I felt good.
I felt positive.
I felt peaceful.
Tony and I have been going on walks together and it has become a time when we talk about things with little interruption. Yes, the kids are with us, but Noah is usually really quiet (or napping) and Zoe is distracted looking at everything along the way.
And today we talked about how felt after getting yesterdays news.
We both agreed, we felt good.
Tony said he just feels he's doing what he's supposed to be doing and for now, this is where we're supposed to be.
I agreed.
The big pro for me with the job in Portland was the financial aspect of it. It would have been a nice pay increase. It would have made things a lot easier.
But money isn't the answer for everything.
So right now, I'm job hunting. Just for something part time.
However, I have a plan and goal to bring in a little extra money but I need to save up the money to get what I need to start my small business. I need money to make money. :) In case you're wondering, I'm saving up for a sewing machine. I've been wanting one for a LONG time. And now I need it in order to try and stay home with the kids while bringing in a little extra money. Daycare for 2 kids is CRAZY expensive. Especially for Noah since he's so little still.
Starting my own daycare has also crossed my mind, but our place is so small it wouldn't work.
We still have a lot of needs that need to be met.
But we have faith things will work out.
We know there is a plan.