Sunday, January 12, 2014

Happy New Year!

*I just discovered that this never got posted.  I wrote this shortly after Christmas.*

cannot blog from my computer on blogger for some reason. So here I am attempting to write this post from my phone. 

Anyway, I hope you had a great Christmas. I was a total Scrooge this year and did not send out a single Christmas card! So please don't take it personally that you didn't get a card. I didn't give one to anyone!

Here's a few pics from around here.

Tony's grandparents just moved here from Ohio. They surprised us and arrived a few days before Christmas! I LOVED hosting all the family on Christmas. Made lots of yummy food and enjoyed being with everyone.

No big New Years plans. Tony has to work New Years day so we don't want to be out late the night before. 

Oh and for those of you who have followed my other blogs ... They no longer exist! I really want to work towards my goal of a career in fashion so I have decided to start my fashion blog.  It's still in the making but it it will be at

Eventually I will have a regular .com address and get it more fancy. But for now this will do. 

Oh and there's this show on Bravo called 'Courtney Loves Dallas' and it's basically one of my favorite shows. She's a fashion blogger and I love her. I want her closet. 

Someday, I hope to be a stylist, 'professional' fashion blogger, (I hate the title or word "blogger"), or work in fashion marketing. (I miss my job at Nordstrom!)

Anyway, Tony agreed to move to NYC or LA If I ever got my dream job. I probably should have gotten that in writing. 

Here's to 2014! I'm excited for everything it has in store for me! Even the running ... (It'll be the last full year of my 20's! Crazy. Haha.) 

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