Saturday, June 4, 2011

Warm Weather!!

It finally sort of felt like summer today!  I think we got up to 80 degrees?  Not positive but it was warm enough for Zoe to wear a tank top and shorts!!  Yay!  It was still cloudy but at least it didn't rain and at least it was warm!

I tried to take pictures of Zoe in her super cute outfit but it's SO hard to get her to stand/sit still!  Here are a few I managed to get.

This is what happens when we don't take a nap during the day .. She plops herself down on the floor at 6 PM!


She hasn't ever really been attached to a blanket .. And even still she's not "attached" to any particular one.  But when she's sleepy she loves to snuggle with one.


Zoe is constantly doing her "Downward Facing Dog" pose. 


This one would have been great had she not moved, leaving me to cut off the left side of her body!


And finally, I managed to get her posing really cute!!! 


Loving this warm weather ... Lots of cute summer clothes to be worn!  :)

Tomorrow I think we're going to go run and play at the park.  (A different one then the one we normally go to.)  Could be interesting!  Pictures to follow!

Hope you are having a fabulous weekend!!

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