Saturday, June 18, 2011

What's New?

As you all probably know, I've been on the job hunt for a few weeks now.  I've had a couple interviews but so far nothing yet.

The interview I had on Thursday went REALLY well.  They said they were going to make a decision Friday and have whoever they chose, start Monday.  (This job was through a temp agency).  When I called the temp agency late Friday afternoon they hadn't heard anything.  Soooo, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.  But I really felt very positive about it.  They complimented me on a few of my responses to their questions, I felt very relaxed and calm, and at the end of it the one lady said "Wow!  I really enjoyed this!"  So, I'm still hopeful I'll get a call on Monday.  Fingers and toes crossed! 

I have picked out a day care, just in case I do get a job.  It's just down the street from our house (pretty much in walking distance) at a small Church.  The staff is really great, it's state certified and licensed, and obviously Christian based.  It was a small group of kids her age ... Really it seemed like the perfect amount of kids.  There was one girl there, a month older then Zoe, who was so cute and sweet!  I think they'd make great friends!  :)

While I'm sad to not be home with Zoe, I feel like going back to work is the best for all of us.  Zoe being in a small daycare, means she'll get plenty of attention from her teachers, she'll get to socialize with other kids her age and makes friends, and she'll also learn! 

Bringing in a second income will give us a little more financial stability and breathing room ... And really that will relieve a lot of stress!

And I'm anxious to be around adults more!  Being with Zoe is great, but I do miss that adult interaction.  And it is kind of nice to not be with Zoe 24/7 ... That can be really overwhelming and tiring.

Tony's doing well at his job.  His schedule changed (a few months ago!) so he's working Wed-Sun.  During the week he works 9 AM-6:30 PM ish, and on the weekends he works 2:30 PM-11:30 PM ish.  He's reporting more and not just doing the photographer thing.  The industry is just evolving more and more to where they don't use photographers (AKA videographers) that much.  They want more of the "one man band" types, who can report and shoot their own footage.  News photogs are more in bigger markets, which let's face it, Eugene is not!

If the weather continues the way it is, I think Tony and I will be looking to move.  Well, we already kind of are looking to move.  But not until Tony's contract is up.  Not really sure where ... Not Arizona but probably more east.  A couple places mentioned: Texas (NOT Wichita Falls!  More like Dallas, Austin, or Houston) and Louisville.  Not really sure honestly.  Tony probably needs to move to a different market to really grow more in his career.

We had wanted to move to Seattle, but after the weather we've been having, and explaining to Tony it's a lot worse in Seattle, that was very quickly scratched off the list!  Plus the cost of living there is a lot.  We'd definitely have to live outside of Seattle unless one of us was making a lot more money! 

And really we're just TALKING about it.  We've still got a good year and a half or more on Tony's contract.  We LOVE it in Oregon and I'd love to move to Portland.  But the weather has definitely been a bit hard on us lately ... Very depressing ... Summer has yet to arrive!  We had 2 days in a row last week of sun and warm temps (Thursday and Friday) but the gloomy clouds and rain came back today and they're sticking around tomorrow!  I think it went back to the 50's or 60's temp wise.  It was pretty chilly!  And it's growing increasingly hard to be so far away from family.  It's hard not having them around when we could use a little help!  Plus, we really miss them!  So, we'll see.

I do hate the heat but I'm dying to see some sun!  When the weather is nice here, it's REALLY nice!  Sunny but not too hot!  It's just that those days are few and far between!

So anyway, that's about it from us here in Oregon! 

Love and blessings.


Oh and can you believe it?!  Tony and I have been married 8 years today!   Oh and I had a birthday Wednesday ... Leaving the mid-twenties and heading quickly to 30.  Thank you for all the great birthday wishes and cards and presents too!!

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