Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm Forgetful..

I forget who I've told what..I forget what I've already posted..I'm losing my mind!

So obviously it's getting close..Like 17 days close.  WOW.  I'm getting anxious.  Very anxious.

So I guess I should catch you up!  Here's the latest!

I had a doctor's appointment on Friday and my blood pressure was a little high.  Doctor said I'm prone to hypertension...He said there's a chance my blood pressure will "sky rocket" and get pretty high in which we'll talk about delivering early.  I had an ultrasound last Monday and she's in the 77th percentile for size..Which again means, bigger then average, but not HUGE.  Not like the 17 pound baby that women had a while back...I can't even imagine carrying a 17 pound baby.  That seems unreal.  Okay, focus Courtney. 

Currently Zoe weighs 6 and a half pounds.  I think he said 6 pounds 10 oz but that seemed really specific so I've just been saying 6 and a half!  He said she's still on track to be an 8-8.5 pound baby by my due date.  But if I have to deliver early she probably won't be that much.  More like 7 or 7.5.  I hope.  HA.

I'll be 38 weeks on Wednesday so we assume she could come any day now.  Tony's going to get the car seat installed tomorrow or Tuesday...I'm waiting on a few packages from my in-laws before I get everything washed..My bag is almost completely packed..All in all, we're pretty ready if there was an emergency and had to have her NOW.  Which cross our fingers we hope doesn't happen.  I sort of want nature to take it's course..(Let's not get that confused with having a natural birth because that won't happen.  I'm a whimp.  I need drugs.) 

Here's the latest on how I look..And let me warn you it's not pretty.  My skin is awful, my face is really puffy, like more then ever, and I'm huge.  HUGE!  Tony took this picture this morning before we left for Church..


Yeah in retrospect, make-up would have been a good idea.  But I had to work today and make-up at work is not a good idea...I would have just sweated it off and looked even worse!

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