Friday, March 5, 2010

Week 38 Doctor's appointment!

So I just got back (after a stop at the thrift store down the street) from the doctor's and all seems to be well...My blood pressure was still a little high...138/94.  I gained a couple of pounds this week which I wasn't surprised because I made cupcakes and also indulged in a little Ben and Jerry's ice cream.  Which really wasn't my fault..I had been craving a Blizzard from Dairy Queen but Tony stopped at WalMart and got me 2 pints of my favorite Ben and Jerry's, so instead of pigging out once, I pigged out for a couple of days!  But it was really YUMMY!  HA!

Anyway, my doctor gave me a copy of my chart so in case I go into labor I'll have it with me.  This might be TMI but for those of you who want to know, I'm 1 cm dilated (his actual wording was "A generous 1 cm"), and 60% effaced.  So, my cervix is starting the process of changing which he said is normal and good.  And her head is still down and pretty low...I haven't had any contractions yet.  (Or if I have, I've mistaken them for indigestion or gas, but I feel if I had, I would have known...)

My bag is all packed...Snacks are packed for Tony...A few outfits, some blankets, etc are packed for Zoe.  I still have many things to wash but for the most part, we're ready to go.  Which probably means she'll be late..If I weren't ready she'd be early!  HA!

Tony and I are enjoying our last few days of alone-ness together...Trying to soak up moments of laziness and sleeping in/sleeping in general.  All in all, things are right on track.  Which kind of has me worried!  :)

1 comment:

Me said...
