Alright..Another week has passed. I honestly thought I would have had her by now! I guess Zoe's in no hurry.
I just got back from yet another doctor's appointment. Gained another half a pound. My blood pressure was actually a little lower then it has been, which is obviously good.
I've had a few contractions over the last 5 days or so..No more then a couple here and there. NOT strong or long in length. So nothing to get excited about.
Since I don't have chronic hypertension, to avoid having a C-Section my doctor wants me to wait things out until my due date. He checked me today and I'm 2 cm dilated (last week I was at 1 cm) and 70% effaced (last week 60%), so he said I'm making progress. I think he may have even said "good progress" but I was only half listening because I was so uncomfortable. He said he moved the membranes up a little so if I was anywhere near labor that might start things up in the next couple of days. I guess we'll see...
If I don't go into labor in the next 5 days, I have another doctor's appointment set for Wednesday, my due date. He'll check me and then we'll decide what to do.
Tony and I are going to attempt to have one more date before Zoe comes..I'm somewhat afraid to leave the house..I have a vision of my water breaking in the middle of a restaurant or something equally embarrassing. So, I'd rather just stay home, lay in bed, and avoid the public! HA! But on the other hand, I've been craving Chinese food!
So anyway, I guess that's it for now. Who knows..Maybe we'll have a baby this weekend! (SCARY! HAHA!)
I am so excited for you! Thank you for beings so diligent on keeping your blog updated so we can be apart of this exciting time in your lives! You both are in my thoughts and prayers!
Love you!
Aunt Debi
I can't believe it's almost time to meet baby Zoe!
I miss you!
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