Monday, March 1, 2010

Zoe's Room: Updated!!

Zoe's room is the ONLY room in our apartment this is furnished and complete.  It's so cute!  And girly!  I love it!  And it's been a collaboration of creative thoughts from Tony and I, which I think makes it more special! 

So here are some pictures..


The letters and how they are painted were my idea..Tony actually did the painting though.  Target wanted $20 A LETTER for a white letter with a pink ribbon.  We picked up our letters at Michael's for $2.99 plus the cost of some acrylic paint and a couple paint brushes.  WAAAAAY cheaper then $60.





For being on a tight budget, I think we did pretty well.

Oh and I have to show you her closet...It's pretty full.  After the baby shower I had to fold up her 6+ month sized stuff to make room for the newborn-6 months sizes.  Keep in mind I also have things folded up in her pink baskets. 



She is going to be one well dressed baby! 

1 comment:

Erin said...

It's a good thing you aren't naming her theadosia or genevieve or annamaria - the letters would have been really expensive! Congratulations!