Today Zoe had her 9 month well child check.
She didn't get any shots this time BUT they had to prick her big toe so they could test her blood for her iron levels.
The nurse goes "Oh this won't hurt her. Babies never cry when I do this. She'll be fine." My response with a smile was "Well, she's kind of a drama queen so we'll see."
I held Zoe and the nurse did her thing and at first Zoe just kind of whimpered and then she let out a cry. Her "I'm hurt" cry. Her face turned all red and she was MAD. The nurse goes "Wow. You weren't kidding! I've never had a baby cry when I do this!". Zoe cried. A lot.
Didn't help that momma forgot the pacifier at home. Yikes.
We got her toe all wrapped up in band-aids and then put socks on her. Earlier tonight when I was getting her changed for bed we took off her socks, she took one look at her foot and just started screaming again. I don't know if the memories came rushing back or what but she just flipped out. It was kind of funny cause she was fine until she saw her toe. Silly girl.
So back to the appointment. The doctor came in and we talked about everything and then he went to exam her and she FLIPPED out. She was grabbing onto Tony like you wouldn't believe! Poor thing! And poor doctor! He was trying to hear her heart and I'm not sure if/how he could with her screaming like that. I was afraid she was scaring all the other little kids with her screams!
Here are her latest stats.
She is 26.5 inches long which puts her at the 20th percentile.
She weighs 18.8 lbs putting her in the 49th percentile.
She hasn't gained much weight (although it often feels like she has!) but she's right on track. Her weight percentile should go down to meet her length percentile. She's just gonna be on the smaller side! She's already starting to come down in weight-we've cut back on her formula feedings (4 a day) and are introducing solids.
That probably sounds like we're trying to get her to lose weight but that's not the case. We don't want her to lose weight. She just needs to be eating more solids instead of just relying on the formula. As our doctor puts it "You don't drink your diet. You get calories etc from your food."
She gets baby food but we're also giving her some 'regular' food. Today she had small pieces of lightly toasted bagel which she liked. She also had some cooked spiral noodles. Oh and earlier she had some Cherrios. I bought some YoBaby yogurt that I'm going to try to give her for breakfast. We'll see if she likes it!
The doctor was impressed with her development. And we actually appear to be doing things right with her! He recommended not giving her any juice which we don't-just water. He was happy with her sleeping (she sleeps 12 hours a night!) and her crawling/standing etc. He recommended we start weaning her off the bottle so it doesn't become a security thing and I told him we were already giving her a sippy cup-although I can't always get her to drink formula from it. He said we can stop formula at a year old (YAY!). She doesn't have another appointment until the end of March for her 1 year well child!
Wow. That's kind of right around the corner. Can't believe it. Seems like we were just bringing her home from the hospital!