Thursday, March 29, 2012

Random Bits....

Zoe calls Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street, "Ouch".  Bert and Ernie are both just Ernie.  She can say Big Bird, but she won't say Bert.  Go figure.

Zoe says the funniest things.  "Bye. See you later" is one of my favorites.  She also says "What ya doing babe?"  She is constantly meowing like a cat...Not sure why, considering we don't even have a cat, we have a dog.  But she likes being a cat, I guess. 

Here's some video of her totally convinced this picture of Uncle Alex is daddy.  So funny.

This shows you just how much she LOVES her babies.  

I mean how precious is that?  Just holding her hand like that...So sweet.  

And lastly, proof she is 2.  Haha.  I had that lab test early one morning, which left Tony and Zoe home alone.  I get home and everything seems fine, until I head to the bathroom and found this....

It was a WHOLE roll of toilet paper on the floor.  Right in front of the door.  Sneaky little girl.  Of course I had just changed the roll.  Haha.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Last Ultrasound SCHEDULED!

First, I want to apologize for my minor meltdown in my previous post.  I was clearly having a bad day/week.  But I'm fine now.  Who knows how long my "fineness" will last.  Haha. 

I've been able to get some things done over the last couple of days so that's been quite the comfort. 

The big news I wanted to share in this post, was the date for my last ultrasound.  It is Wednesday April 4th.  It'll be the last time we get to see little man until he actually enters the world.  They'll check his growth and size.  Hopefully he's a bit more cooperative than last time. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

10 Weeks and Counting...

When people ask me when I'm due and I say June 1st, the immediate response is ALWAYS "Oh, you've got plenty of time!".  No people.  I don't.  They don't realize that this is the end of March.  I have 10 weeks left.  That's it.  10 short weeks.  And that's if he doesn't come early.  I'm FREAKING out.  We are not prepared.  I at this point don't even have a car seat to bring him home in. 

Most days I feel incredibly overwhelmed.  Tony's working a lot.  And when he's home he spends as much time as he can with Zoe.  (And trying to rest since he's so tired from working.)  So a majority of the household functions have fallen on my shoulders, which is fine, because I am currently the stay at home mom.  But man, some days, I just want to cry.  And I think, "How the heck am I going to do this with a newborn?"  I'm pretty sure all I do lately is laundry and dishes.  We don't have a dishwasher so after one meal it seems like there's already a pile taunting me.  This house is a disaster and it needs to get more organized to make room for Noah.  Honestly, we need a new place.  This place is TINY.  Tony and I sleep in the living room so Zoe can have the bedroom downstairs.  Noah will be out in the living room with us for a while.  We just need more space but moving is NOT an option at this point.  I have no idea where we're going to put his clothes...Zoe's are in the storage closet.  It's just kind of a nightmare and it makes me want to cry.

This is the time when it would be handy to have a mom or dad close by...(Or in my case a mom or dad period..), or a nanny, or maid, or something ridiculous like that.  Someone who could take Zoe off my hands for just a couple hours so I could actually accomplish something, not just half-accomplish something.  Or someone who could do all the cleaning and laundry so I could spend all my time with Zoe!  That would be even better.  Or it would be nice just to have a day to sleep.  Haha.  But I have more important things to do.

So, anyway, enough complaining.  I'm drowning.  I wish I were working because then no one would be home and maybe this place wouldn't be such a disaster.  Not to mention I just plain miss working.

I had an appointment with my midwife today.  I guess it wasn't bad.

I took ANOTHER 2 hour fasting, glucose blood test on Monday.  (On my previous lab test, I got a 91.  Anything over 94 gets an automatic diagnosis of gestational diabetes).  This time I got a 94.  UGH.  So, still no official diagnosis of gestational diabetes.  But, I have to be really careful of what I'm eating.  More protein, less carbs.  Which is hard for me.  REALLY hard. 

I've been having some pains lately (sciatic nerve problems that send insanely awful shooting pains down my legs...And more recently this awful tearing feeling in my abdomen) so my midwife advised that I just watch my activity level and try to not overdo things.  That's hard for me.  Really hard.  But both those things, the pain and sciatic nerve problems, are no big deal.  Just gotta be careful when I lift Zoe and groceries and things like that.

My blood pressure was good.  So that's a relief.

And I get another ultrasound in 2 weeks to check his growth. 

I'm up 10 pounds.  Not awful.  

TEN weeks people.  10.  I'm excited to meet my little man.  But would feel so much better if I had everything I needed for him. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Zoe!

Today our little Zoe is 2!!  
Wow!  Can't believe it!  

She looked so Asian when she was born!  :)  But we all know that quickly faded.  Oh well..She's still pretty cute.  

Happy Birthday Sweet Pea!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Silly Zoe!

It's hard to get really good pictures of Zoe.  Whenever she sees you hold up a camera who face instantly turns sour.  But this weekend, I got lucky and was able to snap a few cute pictures!

Nice crooked pigtails!

Playing on the floor with momma.

She found something she wasn't supposed to have...Straw from a basket.

It looks like she's eating the straw, but I assure you she wasn't...After this picture I took it away.  :)

Sunday night we had a bit of a trauma.  Zoe fell and she bit the inside of her lip really badly...Blood all over her shirt and hands and mouth.  She also banged up her chin pretty good too.  After a little cleaning up and assessment, I decided she didn't need to go to the ER.  It didn't bleed much for very long and it didn't knock out any teeth or anything.  It's healing up nicely now.  The scratch on her chin is almost gone and the inside of her lip is healing up.  Thanks to my Grandma T who taught me many years ago that cold water gets blood out of clothing, I was able to salvage her adorable shirt.  :)

We have been very fortunate in the way of illness and injury..(I better knock on some wood).  No major injuries or illnesses.  In fact she has yet to get a stomach bug (knock on wood), only just colds a couple times a year.  And we haven't had to take her to the ER or even urgent care for an injury.  We've been so lucky, we feel like Noah might be the "trouble child" in those areas!  Haha!

Zoe's birthday is coming up on Sunday..Can't believe my little baby will be 2!!!  We're working on potty training...Some days she does better then others.  We're still in diapers/training pants though.  She's really great about sitting on the potty, but usually she's just gone and told me a little too late or she just wants to sit on the potty.  Oh well...At least she's not scared of it and she knows what's it for.  I think we're doing pretty well considering she's not technically 2 yet.  My goal is to have her potty trained by the time Noah comes around but if that doesn't happen, it's okay.  I think I'll hit that goal pretty close though. 

Well, I guess that's it for now.  We'll post some birthday pictures next week.  I'm going to attempt to make her a birthday cake this year..It won't be super fancy but hopefully really tasty!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Alright...Today I had another appointment with my midwife and if you can't tell by my blog title, it didn't go particularly well.

The good news is I am 28 weeks (as of Friday..So tomorrow..) and only up 7 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight.  But I gained that 7 pounds in 4 weeks.  (Oh and weighing with shoes on makes a difference...A pound in my case.)

Wanna guess what the bad news is?!


Yup.  So, when I "passed" my 2 hour blood glucose test a few weeks ago, I barely passed.  Anything under 94 is considered normal.  I was at a 91.  So, pretty borderline.  Today, I was spilling sugar into my urine (sorry TMI) like I have at every appointment, but my actual blood sugar was 155!  The highest it's been. 

After all this blood sugar drama over the last few months, I've been trying to change the way I eat just to be on the safe side...Clearly I'm not doing enough. 

So, my midwife was going to contact my old OB/GYN, the one that I had with Zoe, to get some advice on what to do next.  She's going to push for a week of testing my blood sugar at home to see how it does...The other option is to do a 3 hour blood glucose test. 

I can't begin to tell you how frustrated I am! 

Then the other set of bad news was that my blood pressure was a little high.  Higher then it has been normally but when she looked at my previous BP readings from when I had Zoe, it's about the same as what it was at this very same time when I was pregnant with her.  So, nothing to worry about...Yet.  But of course it's in the back of my mind, because I really don't want to be induced again.

My belly is measuring a little bigger then normal.  Midwife wasn't too concerned about that.  Gestational diabetes can lead to bigger babies...That is something I don't need!

Because I'm 28 weeks, I'll now be seeing my midwife every 2 weeks.  When I hit 36 weeks, I'll go every week. I also have another ultrasound coming up in 4 weeks. 

Things are going by waaaaaay too quickly.  I need to figure out where to store Noah's clothes...We're out of closet space and I honestly have no idea where we'd put another dresser...Yes, I'm stressing!

We have room for him to sleep luckily.  Haha. 

That's it for now..I'll keep you posted on this whole blood sugar thing.  AHHHH!!  :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Our Weekend...

...Mostly involved food.  Ha.  I recently bought my first crock-pot and I LOVE it.  I mean, I never thought I'd be excited for a kitchen gadget, but I honestly have no idea why we didn't buy one years and years ago.  I could have been cooking this whole time! 

I made some yummy mac n cheese...chicken cordon bleu...And more recently pot roast.  I know...I'm not really a meat fan, but I have to admit, the pot roast came out really well.  It just fell apart.  I think Tony was in heaven...He's definitely a meat and potatoes kind of guy.  All the ingredients for all the meals have been pretty cheap and easy to find...Nothing too crazy.  And really, if I can do it, anyone can do it. 

I also made some muffins.

One of the things I recently discovered that Zoe loves are mini pizzas on English Muffins.  Seriously..So easy.  Leftover spaghetti/marinara sauce and some cheese on an English muffin with a side of veggies and the girl is seriously happy.  You could add toppings but she never eats them.  (I tried it...It's pretty good!)  Really fast and easy to make.

Friday AND Saturday, Z refused to nap.  And she is the toddler you can tell did not get a nap.  She drove me crazy Saturday afternoon.  But later in the evening we watched a Curious George movie and she got all cuddly and quiet and life was good again.

We also painted our nails...(I paint her toenails and then I paint my fingernails).  She picked out the colors...She got red on her toes and I got pink on my fingers.  We went to Church Sunday morning and she had a mild panic attack when she had to leave the baby doll behind at the Church nursery.  She kept saying "Wait wait..Baby".  Luckily there were a lot of people to say good-bye to on the way out the door, so she eventually forgot about the baby.  But it was cute.  She loves the babies...And stuffed animals...When I went to get her she had the baby all wrapped in a blanket.  She's a good mommy.  :)

Well, I think that pretty much wraps up our weekend.  Nothing special...Nothing major.  Hope you had a lovely weekend too!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Oh Boy....

We are down to 90 days.  What?!  How did that happen?!  When did that happen?!  And so far, I've only got a handful of onesies and a few pairs of pants.  Better get a move on it!!  HA!