Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bella Couture!!

My wonderful hubby, Zoe's very excited daddy, found me a new, favorite place to spend money!  BELLA COUTURE!! This store is GORGEOUS.  I was totally intimidated thinking we wouldn't be able to afford a single thing and would walk out disappointed...But I was very wrong!  They do have a few pieces that are kind of expensive but they are totally beautiful and honestly I would probably splurge on them every once in a while!  I bought 6 items and the most expensive thing I bought was $25.  Some of it is used, but in like new condition...(Trust me..I'm picky!)  I had gotten a Christmas bonus from one of my resident's family, so I used that to buy some totally beautiful things for Zoe.

Here are some pictures of the things we bought...I only got 1 thing she'll be able to wear right away..Everything else is 3-6 months for summer! 

Ready?!  I'm so excited to show you!

The lady who owned the store wrapped everything up in this gorgeous tissue paper and then had these great bags..I was so excited!  




Tony picked out this little dress..So cute!  (He's really great at picking out clothes..He still struggles with the sizes sometimes, but that's okay!)


I thought this dress would be PERFECT for Church!


This is the one outfit I bought that is 0-3 months..


This outfit is the one I splurged on...There was another one that I really wanted but it was a little more expensive and decided against it, but I knew I would kick myself if I didn't buy this!


This little hat is too cute and matches many of the things we've purchased..


And this last piece, is my absolute favorite.  I HAD to have it.  I didn't care what size it was, she had to have it.  It's 3-6 months so it'll be perfect for summer...It's just too cute and fun. 


Tony did a great job...I think he even had fun with me in this very girly, pink, store!  He knows how much I love clothes and how excited I am to buy for a little girl and finding this place for me was very special.  Wanna know what's even better?!?!  It's just down the street from our new place!  :-)  I hope this store stays in business because it's my new favorite place to shop for Zoe.  I want to go back to find her an Easter dress!  I'm so excited we found this new place!  Thanks hubby!  You're the best...She is definitely going to be our Princess! 

Oh and yesterday we did buy some things at TJMaxx because they were having a big sale..I didn't take pictures of those things, we packed them. But they are adorable!  Again, I bought mostly 3-6 months..I need to stop that!  But they had so many things that were in the size perfect for summer! 

Skype! Webcams! Cameras! Oh My!

Technology...Sometimes it's a pain, but sometimes it's very beneficial!

Most of our family lives far away.  None of us are millionaires so we can't always travel and see each other when we want.  I've been trying to think of ways for us to keep in touch so everyone can see Zoe...And of course Skype came to mind!  Video messaging could be really neat..I think we'd have to get a better internet connection and of course a webcam, but eventually I'm sure we could do that. 

Tony being the photographer that he is, will probably take a million pictures of her and we're currently saving up for a new digital camera (ours is really old-does a whopping 4 mega pixels and currently the battery only lasts long enough to take 5 pictures!) and a video camera to make lots of home videos!  Not that home video cameras were as common when I was a kid as they are now, but I often wish I had more videos from when I was growing up.  I don't want Zoe to miss out on seeing lots of family moments that maybe she won't remember when she's older. 

Anyway, these are my ideas for keeping in better touch...If you have any thoughts please let me know!!

Week 29!!

Your baby is growing rapidly now. This week he weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is getting bigger to accommodate his growing brain — which is busy developing billions of neurons. Every day, about 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited in your baby's skeleton, which is now hardening. With this rapid growth, it's no surprise that your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during this trimester.

Monday, December 28, 2009


I reluctantly had Tony takes pictures of me to mark week 28!  I feel like a whale!  I seriously do...And I know I'm only going to get bigger...UGH!  My doctor tells me it's mostly fluid retention..I hope he's right! Haha!



Tony and I saw this baby bag at the mall (at Ross) and it was a really great deal!  We didn't buy it and when I went to work the next day I was secretly hoping Tony would go back and buy it for me.  I dropped hints like crazy...I kept telling him what a great deal it was and how much I really liked it etc.  When I got off work, he hadn't bought it..Or so I thought!

He actually had but was keeping it as a Christmas surprise!  He even paid a little money (for charity) to have it wrapped...(Tony isn't the best present wrapper...It's kinda funny!)  Anyway, it's a super cute Paul Frank bag..I should have had him take pictures of the inside but I didn't..The inside is way cute too!  And it has lots of pockets!  I'm so excited!  It was the best Christmas present EVER!  :-)


Thursday, December 24, 2009

One more thing I found that Zoe has to have!



I found WubbaNub courtesy of this great blog.

28 weeks!!

By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can open and close her eyes, which now sport lashes. This movement is more of a reflexive blink than a deliberate opening and closing, but it won't be long before she's batting those beauties at you.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Doctor's Appointment!

Today we had yet another doctor's appointment!  Today I had my dreaded glucose test done!  The drink wasn't as bad as I was expecting.  It was like a really flat syrupy Sprite.  Luckily it was cold but it was still nasty.  There was also a lot of it to drink and I only had 5 minutes to get it down!!  Then I had to sit around and wait for an hour and then I had to get my blood drawn.  I don't have the best veins for taking blood but he didn't have too hard of a time and only had to prick me once!  They are checking for anemia and obviously gestational diabetes.  If it doesn't come back within normal range, I'll have to go back for a 3 hour test..So I'm really crossing my fingers it comes back normal!!

We got to hear Zoe's heartbeat of course.  And we went over a few things with my doctor.  It was a good appointment.  I will know start going every 2 weeks.  So my next appointment is January 5th.  Then 2 weeks after that I'll have another ultrasound done!  And at that point, it'll only be 8 weeks left...So yes, I'm freaking out a bit!  Don't get me wrong..I'm excited.  I'm just thinking about the 80 million things I still need to get!

The scale is a bit scary..My doctor says I'm still on track for weight gain and it's pretty steady.  He says most of it is fluid retention...I think I'm pretty huge!  And I really cringed when I saw the latest number.  I have never been this heavy before!  And I really hope after Zoe is born, it won't be too hard to lose the weight.  I have pre-baby weight I want to lose too though.  Luckily we have a gym at our new place with 24 hour access so I won't have any excuses!

All in all, things are moving right along and thus far looking good and normal.  I just can't believe how fast the time is going.  It's scary!  I just feel overwhelmed with the amount of things left to get and set up.  It's a lot of change happening at once!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Active Little One!

I told you Zoe means "Life".  And boy is she LIVELY!  She has been really active lately.  This morning I took Tony to work and as soon as he started blasting Bob Marley she was dancing.  I even tested this to make sure it wasn't just a coincidence.  I blasted Christmas music..Nothing.  Turned on Bob Marley and the movement began! 

Tonight Tony and I were watching TV in bed and I was laying on my left side and I swear it felt like she was doing the splits kicking me on both sides of my belly.  I'm pretty sure at one point she was kicking and punching at the same time...I guess Tony was right..She is his little Karate Champ! 

New Place!

So it's official!  Tony and I are moving January 13 to our new place!  I called it an apartment earlier and Tony got mad and corrected me..It's a townhouse.  :-)  But it's just a rental...I haven't actually seen it in person...I've just seen pictures.  Tony saw it and he fell in love so I trust him...That and I'm so tired of rental hunting, I just don't care!  HA!  Anyway, it's 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, washer and drier, 2 stories, and it has a small back yard for Bubby.  Compared to the other places we've looked at, it was a great deal.  And it didn't cost nearly as much to move in as some of the other places we looked at.  The rooms are a pretty good size and I cannot wait to decorate Zoe's room! 

I'll be sure to post pictures next month when we move...

We're pretty relieved we found a place...This also means I can finish the baby registry next month!  YAY!

27 Weeks!

This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if she were born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother her, so just relax and enjoy the tickle

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Week 26!!

The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take two to three days.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New Work Schedule...

Oh and I forgot to mention that as of January, I will be stepping down to a different position. I will be doing rec support instead of being the full on caregiver. I will basically be the caregiver's support. I'm really excited and relieved. I won't have to worry about passing meds and I won't be the one solely responsible for the care of 11 people. I'll get to do activities and just help the caregiver any way I can. When I first started my job, I started in rec support so I've already done it and know what to do. I'll work more days per work, but only 5 hours a shift and again, the stress level will be so much less which is really what I care about!

Also, with my new hours, Tony will be able to drive me and pick me up so if I can't drive for whatever reason (too big, weather, etc) I'll get off early enough it won't interfere with his sleep schedule too much. All in all, it's a perfect plan!

Once Zoe is born and I'm able to go back to work, I'm not sure what I'll do...If I'll stick with just rec support or go back to direct care. I haven't decided...I'll keep ya posted!

Doctor's Appointment!

I had another doctor's appointment on Friday and it went really well! We talked about my dizzy spell and he assured me nothing was wrong. He just told me to lay down on my left side if it happens again. Total I've gained 8 pounds...2 pounds since my last appointment. I go back to the doctor on Christmas Eve and will have my glucose test to see if I have gestational diabetes. I'll have to down some really sugary liquid, hang out for an hour, and have my blood drawn. After my appointment on the 24th, I'll start going every 2 weeks. We got to hear Zoe's heartbeat again, which is always a relief! And of course now that I'm entering the 3rd trimester we went over things to watch for.

All in all, everything is going well. And I'm looking forward to another ultrasound in 6 weeks! My doctor will be checking Zoe's growth at that time.

I'll be sure to keep you posted on the results of the glucose test...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Zoe's New Stuff!

I've been meaning to post pictures of the things we buy for Zoe as we buy them but I was slacking with my blog posts so I haven't done that yet.

Today I had Tony take pictures of a few things since I'm no photographer so now I can share them with you!

Tony saw this outfit and we decided it was a must have...



A while back, before we knew it was a girl, we saw a onesie for a boy that said "I Have Arrived" and we thought that was totally cute to bring a baby home in.  When we found out it was a girl, we went on a hunt to find something like that.  And this weekend, Tony found it.  We were waiting for our $2 movie to start and decided to check out Target.  This immediately caught Tony's eye..



I just need to find some bottoms to go with it but unless something totally irresistible pops up, she's probably going to be coming home in this outfit!

My Auntie Dee was so excited to find out what we're having so she could buy something..And boy did she!  She really spoiled us/Zoe!  She sent a wonderful package to us and it was like Christmas opening it!


She sent some really cute dresses with little matching bloomers, in various sizes, and also some cute animal onesies.  The doll is totally adorable, pink and brown, and it has a rattle in it.  Bubby got kind of excited...She loves stuffed toys.  She thought it was for her so we'll have to keep her away from it!  And of course the rubber ducky is too adorable!

Don't I have the best Auntie?  Well, I have the best Aunties..More then 1!!  I'm totally spoiled!

Thursday, December 3, 2009 FINDS!!

Thanks to my friend  Micaela I have discovered Etsy.  It's a wonderful and addicting site.  I've only been on it tonight for a few minutes and already have found tons of things I want!

Take a look..

Polkadotposh is responsible for making these adorable items that I must have!


How cozy does that look?  MUST HAVE!

And of course, gotta have the baby Mary Jane's!


We have to have this diaper cover by Roslynscloset because Zoe's daddy has nicknamed her peanut..This is too perfect...MUST HAVE!!


And this by ChloesRuffleButt is too adorable...



And if you haven't..Please check out!  It'll change your life!! 

25 Weeks!!

Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

It's been a rough 25 weeks!  All in all, I shouldn't complain.  My immune system has been incredibly weak!  I've caught so many bugs!

Thanksgiving I left work early because I almost passed out.  I got incredibly lightheaded and dizzy...Luckily I work with nurses and so they made sure I was taken care of.  My blood pressure was fine, so I don't think it was hypertension.  I think I just got overheated.  You know I work with elderly dementia residents so they all get really cold really easily.  Our house is HOT.  I run around at work (uh literally) so I think I just got overheated.  I was off over the weekend and getting ready to go back to work...Then Monday morning at 5:30 AM I woke up with a horrible stomach ache and nausea.  By that afternoon I was vomiting.  Yeah, stomach flu.  So not fun.  In the 6.5 years we've been married, Tony has never had to witness me vomit.  That changed on Monday.  Well, he didn't witness it so much as he heard it.  Okay, I forget that I'm the only one who works in health care and who isn't easily grossed out by such conversation, so I'll stop now.  I come home and tell Tony stories and he often stops me and tells me I'm gross.  That's part of why I love my co-workers...We can have the most disgusting conversations at work about bodily functions and they don't get grossed out!!  :-)

I'm showing..But still hiding it.  I actually haven't been to Church in a few weeks because it's becoming increasingly hard to hide and we still haven't told everyone.  We're waiting until we can also announce that we've found a new place to live so we don't look so lame.  :)  It's our goal to find a place to live in the next two days.  LOL.  Well, at least apply and try to get approved this week for a place.  It would be exciting if we could move next week!  But we won't hold our breaths!

But we do plan on moving by Christmas.  I have lots of Christmas baking I want to do.  Plus we have Christmas traditions to uphold.  Like Christmas Eve Nachos.  Although this year, they will have to be on Christmas Day because I work on Christmas Eve.  We're just excited to spend the holiday relaxing, in our own place, watching movies, and EATING!  :-)

We do have another doctor's appointment on Friday..I'll be sure to post about it so you know what's going on.  Hopefully I haven't gained anymore weight or my doctor might be disappointed..I had gained 4 pounds in 4 weeks at my last appointment, which put me up to 6 and I'm only supposed to gain 10.  I still have 15 weeks to go, so I need to pace myself! 

Wish List has Started!!

So I've been doing some more shopping online.  We've been seriously thinking about things that we want considering we only have a few months left!  :)  We have decided on pink and brown for our colors.  And we've narrowed some things down...Like we've narrowed it down to 2 strollers! 

Here is the one we REALLY want...Unfortunately the car seat and the stroller are sold separately.  But it's SOOO cute!! It's Graco Brooke Collection....



Here is our 2nd choice..It's a Graco Emelia Collection.  Now this one has a matching swing and play pin....And it's sold as a combo.


Crib is the ONE thing we can't decide on.  That'll probably be the last thing we purchase.  HA.  I do want a bassinet at first because I plan on having Zoe in our room in the beginning.  But I don't want to buy one new because I won't be using it that long!  I've seen some in stores and they're almost as much as the cribs..The cheaper ones are just plain UGLY! 

I'm totally in love with Boppy items...I first heard of Boppy from Oprah.  She did this special baby shower show and gave away a whole bunch of really cool things like on her "Favorite Things" show.  Anyway, thanks to Oprah I'm now in love with all things Boppy.  Oh and I also want to splurge and buy Tony a "Diaper Dude".  Regardless, we've already agreed we need 2 baby bags.  One for him and one for me.  I can already hear the arguments about how I keep the diaper bag too unorganized and how he hates it blah blah blah.  :-)

Anyway, the Boppy pillow is kind of expensive..It's $30 plus you have to buy a cover (which is $10).  But, it's like the best nursing pillow and super versatile. 

Here's the pillow with the slip cover I picked out...


I found a diaper pail thing that I like...I was always a firm believe in the Diaper Genie.  But this one that I found does not require special bag refills.  I was a bit hesitant until I read the reviews..I'm willing to try it out.  Who wants to buy special bag refills?!?!


So anyway, here are a few things on my Wish List that will soon be the baby registry.  We're going to do a registry through Target...I can pick things out in store and then add things online that they don't have in store.  We're also doing one through because they have everything Target doesn't!  With Target things can be picked out in store or online.  I'm waiting to complete the registries until we're moved because that way people can send things to our new place and we won't have to move them!  :-) 

Let me know what you guys think!