Thursday, May 17, 2012

C-Section Scheduled!

My doctor got everything scheduled today!

My C-Section will be on Friday May 25th at 4 PM.  I will be checking in at 2 PM.  (Gonna be a long day without food!)

I have an appointment on Monday with anesthesiology to do  "pre-admission testing"....I'm just getting a spinal block, but I guess they still have you come in to meet with them and go over everything.

I met with my midwife today and we went over how the whole thing will work so I feel less nervous and more excited. 

Tony's taking a couple weeks off to help me recover....Midwife warned me the first week I'll mostly be resting and nursing!  It'll be weird to not be able to pick up Zoe and what not.  But I'm glad Tony will be home. 

I have one last appointment on Wednesday with my midwife before the big day!  Oh and by some miracle I didn't gain any weight this last week!  That's a relief.  Still feeling pretty miserable...I almost tipped over when they were weighing me today.  I got a little off balance haha. 

Unless I go into labor this week, we'll be seeing Noah next Friday!  Can't wait!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

a plan has been made!

After what feels like weeks of uncertainty, we finally have a plan.  It's not my ideal plan, but it's apparently the safest and best option for both Noah and myself.

I totally and completely trust the OB/GYN that delivered Zoe (I've said many times, I just wish I had seen him from the beginning) and so he was the one we had a consultation this week with.  We talked about the size of Noah and he was a little surprised he is so big!  He said it's rare to have such a big 2nd baby, but not unheard of. 

He told us that if the last ultrasound I had was off by 2 pounds (which he HIGHLY doubted), Noah would still be about 9 pounds at birth.  Considering my height and how much I struggled with Zoe, he really didn't think I could deliver a 9-10 pound baby.  He said even if I managed to push out the head, there was a chance the shoulders would get stuck and that would be very dangerous.  He also said I could end up pushing for 3 hours (like I did with Zoe) and or end up with a really bad tear. 

When I asked what he recommended, he with NO hesitation, said "Scheduled C-Section".  I was so afraid of that!  But, I agreed.  Especially after listening to everything he said.  Especially when he said, Noah could be as much as 10.5 pounds. 

I'm not looking forward to a c-section...Not that I was looking forward to delivering a 9-10 pound baby naturally either. 

I'm very nervous! 

We are planning to schedule it for the 25th...Just waiting to hear back from doctor's office who needed to get with the hospital to make a definite time.  Doctor doesn't want to do it before 39 weeks just to make sure Noah's lungs are developed.  I could of course go into labor before that, but we'll still do a c-section.  I know the 25th is only 9 days away....But I'm so huge!  It's so uncomfortable.  And the doctor said he wasn't going to make me wait any longer than I had to.  He goes "You must be pretty miserable..." and Tony just busted out laughing.  Total understatement! 

I am excited to meet Noah.  So I just keep thinking about holding him and imagining what he looks like! 

I'll keep you posted!!  (Tomorrow I have an appointment with my midwife...)

Friday, May 11, 2012

more Noah updates

It's been such a busy week.  All of it revolving around Noah!

I had my ultrasound on Tuesday.  Big baby.

Then I saw my midwife on Wednesday.  They had lab results from one of my glucose tests that wasn't mine.  So they thought I had gestational diabetes again.  So, I had to go back to my midwife Thursday morning to do a fasting blood test.  And again, I DO NOT have gestational diabetes. 

While I was there, we discussed the results of my ultrasound.  And the midwife thinks I will have a 9.5-10 pound baby, if I go another 2-3 weeks.  She said he just measures big.  My belly is now 4 cm ahead of where it should be.  I'm HUGE.  And I FEEL huge.  I'm not a tall person.  I have a small frame.  I'm ALL BELLY.  And I'm miserable.  :)

The soonest they'll induce labor is 39 weeks, just to make sure his lungs are mature.  I have no idea how soon they'll schedule a c-section IF they'll schedule one...I'll find that out on Tuesday when I see the OB/GYN.  If I go into labor naturally or am induced, they won't let me labor for 20+ hours.  If I labor for a while and things aren't progressing, they'll do a c-section.  If I push for 30 minutes and nothing is happening they'll offer a c-section. 

One minute I think I've made up my mind, then I change my mind.  I don't think a decision will be made until I see the OB/GYN.  I trust his judgement.  He knows what I went through with Zoe.  So we'll see what he thinks.  But the idea of ME, birthing a 9-10 pound baby SCARES me to death.  Seriously.  It's a bit intimidating. 

Good thing I didn't buy too many newborn sized clothes.  What a chunk he will be!

Oh and funny story...My midwife asked me if Noah had the same daddy as Zoe...She was trying to figure out where Noah gets this bigness from.  She told me that if I were full term, she'd think I were having a big baby.  And since I'm 37 weeks, she thinks I'm having a REALLY big baby!  :) 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I wasn't expecting to get an ultrasound appointment so early in the week, but I did.  I called yesterday and they got me in today.  (Tuesday)

The ultrasound tech was doing her thing and we were talking about why the possibility of a C-Section, etc, and then she got all the measurements.  And she says to me "You should feel NO guilt if you schedule a C-Section with this baby....."  It went from a "C-Sections aren't always best....They aren't easier...." conversation to, "Oh, yeah, you might want to have one, you aren't a very big person....."  Seriously.  No joke. 

She told me Noah is in the 98th percentile for size.  Translation: 8 pounds 15 ounces.  So yeah, basically 9 pounds.  Let's just say for the sake of ultrasounds overestimating, that he's a pound less.  That's still around the size (a little bigger) that Zoe was when she was born at 40 weeks and 1 day.  I'm only 36 weeks and 4 days with him.  So imagine another 3.5 weeks of him growing. 

Everyone keeps telling me that ultrasounds aren't accurate.  (It was with Zoe...)  And I get that.  I really do.  But, with my belly measuring 3 weeks ahead and a couple of ultrasounds indicating that he's big, I'm thinking he's a little on the big side.  Sure, I don't know how big...But I can FEEL he's big. The ultrasound tech also said his head measurements and other body measurements are on target for an 8 pound 15 oz baby.  So, it's not like he's got a small body and just chubby.  The only concern is are his lungs mature enough?

So, now I have to wait a week to see Dr. Cooper about what to do next...Do we wait until I go into labor?...Have a scheduled C-Section...Induction...Who knows.

I will tell you this.  I can barely bend over to dry my feet after a shower.  I almost can't drive...(I've already adjusted the seat as much as I can but I have short legs.)  And I already can't (or am not supposed to) pick up Zoe. 

I'm okay with the idea of laboring and seeing how it goes.  I know a lot of women who have birthed naturally 9+ pound babies.  My big concern is that if I labor for 20+ hours with no luck, is that going to be too much stress for Noah?  I don't want him to got into fetal distress and then we have to do an EMERGENCY C-Section. 

I want to do what's best for Noah and for myself.  I really hope we can figure out what that is....

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Another Noah Update

Well, I had another appointment with my midwife today.  Things are looking good.  BP is good..Actually a bit low (for me).  I've been having some Braxton Hicks contractions and back cramps.  Nothing big.  But definitely feel my body getting ready.

The only moment of concern was when my midwife measured my belly and I am now measuring 3 weeks ahead.  So, I'm 36 weeks, measuring at 39 weeks. 

I'm scheduling an ultrasound for this coming week so my OB/GYN can have the results at my consultation on the 15th.  Who knows what will happen...Dare I say "induction"?!  I can't imagine going another 4 weeks and continuing to get bigger.  I'm thinking it'll only be a couple more weeks.  But what do I know?!

I'm just thankful my blood pressure is good.  That means they'll let me move around when I'm in labor!  Laboring on my back ONLY was awful. 

As always, I'll keep you posted!