I got to dress Zoe up in one of my favorite outfits! It was a gift at one of my baby showers and it is so stinkin' cute! It's by DwellStudio from Target..So pretty.
Here's one of her and I after a long day of shopping! (And all we purchased was a cute onesie and skirt for her!)
Zoe is so funny. She's smiling a lot and "talking" a lot more too. She makes a lot of cute noises! She's also staying awake for longer periods of time and not napping as much/long. We have a really great swing and she loves the mobile that's on it..She just looks up and stares at it all the time. Someone commented on how alert she is. And she really is. She loves looking around at everything and she has a pretty strong neck. Our pediatrician recommended lots of tummy time during the day when she's awake..It was one of the first things he told us when we saw him in the hospital. So we make it a point to do tummy time and I think it really pays off. She lifted her head today when she was laying on my stomach and looked right in my eyes. I was really surprised and proud of her! Hopefully we can capture some of this stuff on video or at least a picture.
She also has discovered her hands..She hasn't quite got just her thumb..She gets her fist and is constantly putting her hand in her mouth. I think lately she's really only using the pacifier at night when going to sleep. It really soothes her. But I think soon, she'll get just her thumb.
Anyway, this week she'll be 8 weeks old and you can tell how much she's grown and evolved. I mean before she was more of a "vegetable" as our doctor says. But now she's really doing more and it's exciting! She's also grown into size 1 diapers and into her 3 month sized clothes..They're still a little big, but not like before. They aren't like swimming on her! That is also exciting because I have so many cute things for her that I was afraid she'd never get to wear. Some of it she'll probably only wear once or twice but that's okay! The weather is getting warmer so she probably won't wear the little sweat pant outfits a lot, if at all. But I did buy them used so it's not like I spent a lot of money on them! Maybe if we make it to the coast soon, she'll wear them.