I haven't been keeping up with postings!!
In my defense, the last few weeks have been a little hectic and a little rough.
So I got a new job..It's full time. Mon-Fri, 8-5. We were blessed enough to have a lady at Church offer to watch Zoe for us..I can't tell you what a relief that was! Finding good, decent, AFFORDABLE day care is really hard. I found lots of places that were great but the cost would have made working full time not even worth it. And well, in home day care with people you don't know can be just a wee bit scary, cause after all you just never know. So we are super thankful for Jody and her 2 kids who LOVE LOVE LOVE Zoe and treat her like family.
Working full time has definitely been an adjustment. I'm bad with change as it is, but this was definitely a shock. I went from working swing shifts, to day shifts..Going to bed WAY earlier and getting up WAY earlier. On top of having to get Zoe on a better schedule as well. Which all things considered went pretty smoothly. We are in a pretty good routine/schedule and it's pretty steady.
On Sunday, June 13th we lost a very special man, papa Chip. Tony and I are where we are today because of him. Losing him was like losing my father. It was an awful day/week/month. I still can't quite believe he's gone. It was very sudden and very unexpected and no one saw it coming. I know it's all in God's time, but I can't help think in the back of my mind, it was just too soon. He still had so much he wanted to do and had 4 young grandchildren I know he wanted to see grow up just a little bit more.
Papa Chip passed away the day before I was set to start my new job (he didn't even know yet that I had gotten it. I was planning on telling him when I saw him at Church that day..). So starting a new job just after losing him, was very hard. But in a way it was good, because I was distracted during the day.
Anyway, Zoe is doing really well. She's still really tiny! She's mostly still in 0-3 sizes but I can tell she's going to be in some 3-6 month stuff soon. Or at least I'm hoping soon because most of the stuff that she has that fits now is all a bit warmer..Like long sleeved etc. Her summer stuff is all 3-6/6 month sized (depending on brand).
She is laughing and smiling a lot. She's a very happy baby! She is sleeping mostly through the night from about 8:30/9:00 PM until 5:00-5:30. Some nights she gets up once for a few minutes but then goes right back to sleep or sometimes she'll get up at 4:00/4:30 AM to eat and then sleeps until 6:30 when I need to start getting her ready to leave. So the nights when she does actually get up a couple times it's like "HEY! What are you doing?! Why aren't you sleeping?!" Hehe!! We've already gotten spoiled with her sleeping for long stretches!!
She is reaching for things and definitely getting more and more interested in her surroundings. She hasn't fallen in love with one particular toy just quite yet, but she is drawn to some more then others.
Her pediatrician assured me she wasn't teething just yet (at her last appointment) but I'm pretty sure she is/has been. She is due for another well baby check up on the 20th! Tony is just taking her which I'm kind of sad about because I really like going but since I just started my job I don't want to ask for any time off/long lunches etc to go. But once I'm over my probation period I might ask! She's also getting her 2nd round of immunizations.
So lets get to the real reason why you're here..PICTURES!
This one is of Papa Chip and Zoe playing..It's the last time we actually saw him, just 2 weeks before he died. Had we known it would be the last time we'd see him, I know I would have hugged him just one last time. (I hugged him once before we left but I would have asked for a couple more!) I'm glad I have a couple of pictures from that night, even if they aren't the best!
This is Zoe the day after her 1st round of immunizations.
(She was upset with the picture taking not the shots!)
After driving in the car she looked like this..(I assure you she could breath!)
This is her being goofy!
And this is her from just a week ago!
Her grandma G got her a few headbands with BIG flowers (that I LOVE and they are SUPER popular with baby girls right now) and she crocheted those awesome sandals!!
We've taken a few more pictures I just haven't uploaded them to the computer and photobucket but I will SOON. Sunday is going to be quite busy..Lots of cleaning and laundry to be done!
But hopefully it won't take me 25 years to do another post!