Sunday, September 19, 2010

Time to BABY PROOF the house!

Did I mention Zoe is SUPER close to crawling?!  Cause she is...

She does the "Army crawl" to get around the floor..And boy does she!  She's pretty fast too.  She's determined to play with everything on the floor!  So we're trying to keep things OFF the floor which is hard.  She is immediately drawn to everything that isn't her toys.  She especially loves Bubby's toy (YUCK!), the remote, and the package of wipes.  It's really bright and it makes crinkly sounds so I think that's why she loves the package so much.  She is easily entertained with a bottle of water on the floor then her play mat.  Go figure.

She can get up on all fours and she rocks and you think she just might take off but then she flops onto her belly and does this swim type kick with her legs and arms.  She's just SO close!  She's even chased the dog around a bit...I'm not sure Bubby has figured out that Zoe will be FAST some day..She may end up spending most of her time upstairs hiding from Zoe!  :)

So anyway, we have plans of collecting baby gates and really baby proofing the apartment.  What happened to my little baby?!  I can't believe how much she's growing.  Kind of makes my heart sad.  She'll never be that small again...

She is officially 6 months old...Can you believe it?!  I can't!

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