Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Latest!

Zoe had her 12 month well child check yesterday and it went really well!  I really enjoy these visits because they're always very informative and a bit reassuring that we're doing the right things! 

Yesterday was the first time she was able to walk around and walk so instead of laying her down the "baby scale" they had her stand up on the regular scale like a big girl!  She looked kinda tiny just standing there!  Of course Miss Dramatic started crying as soon as I stood her up on the scale.  But she stood there just fine!

Her latest stats:

Height: 28 inches (Whopping 10th percentile!)
Weight: 19.8 pounds (Whopping 25th percentile!)

Still pretty petite and obviously we all know that won't change anytime soon!  As far as growth and development she's right on track!

Zoe's eating more and more things.  Last night she had some banana and cheese (well, with other things of course) which were things we couldn't really get her to eat before.  She loves yogurt and really anything she sees you eating.  She's walking all the time now.  Able to stand up on her own.  She squats down and picks up toys (without actually sitting down) and then stands back up.  She does this really cute downward facing dog thing. 

She's totally weaned off formula-just drinking milk.  She mostly uses sippy cups, but I have been giving her a bottle with warm milk before bed.  I'm trying to wean her off that too.  Her pediatrician wants her totally weaned off bottles by 15 months which we will definitely do.  The sooner the better. 

She is VERY talkative!  She says "Dada", "doggy" (or at least I think she says doggy!  It could be just another form of Dada!)  and sometimes she'll say "mommy".  Although no one but me has heard her say it!  But I promise you she does!  It's not as commonly said as "dada" but we'll get there!  She also says "Uh oh" A LOT.  And she uses it correctly.  Whenever something falls, or if she drops food on the floor, or something like that.  It's really cute! 

And I LOVE this picture of her!  So cute!  Tony walked outside and so she wanted to see where he went!


I think that's the latest here with Zoe!  She's growing up too fast!  But no, not ready for #2!  :)

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