Friday, December 7, 2012


In a hurry so here are some key points:

1)  Everyone is healthy and happy and excited for Christmas!
2)  Noah weighs 21.16 pounds as of Monday and it's starting to come down weight wise..I mean he's not losing weight, but his weight gain is slowing a bit.  He's still however in the 95th percentile for weight.
3)  Zoe and Noah will be starting daycare in January.  We learned the hard way that when your sitter gets sick, it makes things really complicated.  I think Zoe will do really well and love being with other kids in a fun, education filled, place.
4)  Work is great.  BUSY but really great.

And finally.  The BIG news.

Tony has a Skype interview on Monday with the casting people for "The Next Food Network Star"!  WOO HOO!  We were both a little surprised to say the least.  Trying to keep realistic expectations, but still very excited.  You can check out his audition video here:

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