Thursday, April 1, 2010

Oddly enough...

..I miss being pregnant!  I know I complained a lot during my pregnancy but really it wasn't that bad..And now, that I'm not pregnant I miss it!  There's something so incredible about carrying a baby..feeling it move etc.  So amazing.  And while after delivering Zoe I was a little traumatized and thought I'd never go through that again, a couple weeks out, I'm already looking forward to having number 2!!  Obviously not anytime soon but hopefully in the next couple of years!  Right now I'm enjoying my time with Zoe.  She's amazing and totally perfect!

I'm getting used to doing things with one hand...I really need to get a carrier for her!  Lately she hasn't let me put her down for more then 5 minutes..Night time has been a little rough.  She falls asleep in my arms, I lay her down in the bassinet and bam she's awake!!  Yesterday I was able to put her in her swing for a little while and I was running around the house trying to get things done while I could!!

I also was able to take her to Church this last Sunday...I was nervous the WHOLE service just waiting for her to have a meltdown.  (But she didn't!  She stayed awake the whole service and fell asleep at the very end..)  I took her by myself because Tony caught the flu so he stayed home.  Everyone loved her..I couldn't walk more then 5 feet without being stopped!!  She's already very popular and very much loved and spoiled!!

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