Sunday, September 4, 2011

Where did my baby go?!

Zoe is not a baby anymore.  She's a toddler.  And it makes my heart a little sad.  (I'm surprised no one has asked us about #2 yet...I can't really wrap my brain around another baby AND Zoe without a little help haha.)

I discovered tonight that Zoe loves the movie "The Cat in the Hat".  The one with Mike Meyers.  She'll usually kinda watch things like Sesame Street or the Wiggles, etc.  But tonight when the movie was on TV she sat on my lap.  Then got up during the commercial break.  It came back on and she sat in front of the couch.  And you can see the cycle.  But she actually watched it!  (And there was a lot of laughing and "WHOA!" going on...) When she watches her TV shows she'll usually watch for a couple of minutes and then play and when something catches her ear she'll watch again for a little bit and then go back to playing.  It's rare for her to really sit and watch something.  And I know, TV isn't recommended for kids under 2 blah blah blah.  But I'm not a perfect mom.  :)  Sometimes I need the help of Big Bird so I can get some dishes done. 

She also loves reading her books...Last night she sat in my lap and we read the same 2 books a MILLION times.  She's got TONS of books, but she just wanted to read the same 2.  One of them is a farm book and so every animal she saw she yelled "DOGGY!".  Yeah, we're still working on that.  It hasn't caught on yet though that not every furry animal is a dog. 

"Momma" has become the universal word for "up".  She'll go up to Tony and say "momma" with her arms stretched up meaning "Pick me up".  We're also working on that.  Haha.

We're making progress on using spoons and forks.  It's been a bit harder then I expected.  It definitely tests my patience.

We are on the hunt for some Zoe sized furniture.  Particularly a table and chair set.  I've seen some online at Ikea that I not only like but can afford.  Unfortunately our closest Ikea is in Portland and they aren't available for order online.  We are also on the hunt for a "time out" chair/stool.  I'm hoping that some Zoe sized chairs will help encourage her to sit still for a few moments! HAHA!

Zoe says "gentle" now..Or something that sounds like "gentle".  We were teaching her how to be gentle by petting the dog, instead of hitting or pulling on the dog.  We demonstrated being gentle on this stuffed dog that Grandpa and Grandma Karen sent a while back.  So now she'll walk up to me and pet my leg and say "Gentle. Gentle. Gentle."  It's cute.  She gets the idea!  But she still runs up to Bubby very excited and "gentle" gets thrown out the window.

I'm enrolling Zoe in some gymnastics classes next month.  Because of our schedule and their schedule, we'll only be doing one class a week.  It involves mommy participation..We're supposed to help teach them along with the teachers.  I'm really excited!  I hope it'll be an outlet for some of her energy.  It'll also be a good activity since it's indoors-once the rainy season arrives.

I continue to be amazed at how much she learns and grows.

Did I share these pictures with you?  I don't think I have.

Zoe got a hold of one of my purses...

I'm not sure what prompted her to get into the laundry basket but she loved it.  She even had a snack while sitting in it.

Oh and yeah, I'm pretty sure she's had a growth spurt recently.  Tony and I were watching her play one afternoon and we both looked at each other and said "Does it look like she's gotten taller?!".  She looked really cute in her overalls.  (Her hair, not so much.  UGH.)   Last week temps were in the 70's so that's why she's wearing the overalls.  This week we're back in the 90's!!  Luckily a friend let us borrow their window AC because it gets to be like an oven in here!

Well, I guess that's it for now.  I've got tomorrow off and so does Tony!  We don't have anything big planned-probably BBQ'ing since the idea of turning on the oven makes me crazy.  Oh I do want to get some organizing done but we'll see what Zoe lets me get done.  :)

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