Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Silly Girl!

Zoe never ceases to surprise me.  She's always coming up with the funniest things to say or do. 

She has lately been OBSESSED with brushing her teeth...She would brush her teeth 20 times a day..Which is a good thing, hygiene wise.  She doesn't say 'brush' her teeth.  She asks to 'wash' her teeth.  Still cute. 

Zoe is getting better about putting actual sentences together.  She says "Go bye in car?".  Or "Bye! See you later!"  She notices when Tony's gone and she'll say "Where daddy go?" or "Daddy go bye bye".  It's fun to hear her say new things.

I've been trying to talk to her about the new baby, but she mostly stares blankly at me.  Which is fine..But we try to call him by name so maybe she'll pick up on it.  Maybe.  :)

Here are the latest pictures:

She loves to put on daddy's hats.

Yogurt is impossible for her to eat without making a huge mess.  And she also thinks it's hand lotion.  Ugh.

She's been having a blast helping daddy in the kitchen.  She even did some stirring!

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