Friday, January 8, 2010

Doctor's Appointment!

Yup..Today I had another doctor's appointment!  It was supposed to be on Tuesday but due to some car troubles I had to reschedule so I had it this morning...

My glucose test came back fine..(or so I'm assuming cause the doctor didn't mention anything about it and honestly I forgot to ask!).  Zoe's heartbeat sounded good..It took me a few minutes to hear it..She was really active!!  You could hear her swishing around!  I'm happy she's active but I'm also nervous about what that will mean when she's not confined to my uterus! Haha! 

I'm still going to the doctor every 2 weeks until I'm 36 weeks and then I'll start going every week.  Next appointment is on the 25th and I'll have an ultrasound to check her growth..Unfortunately Tony can't make it to my appointment because I couldn't get an afternoon appointment but it'll be a really short ultrasound so they assured me Tony won't miss much! 

Stay tuned for posts next week..We're moving Wednesday so I'll post pictures of our new place and we'll also be doing a registry at Target and possibly WalMart next week for Zoe.  I'm getting pretty anxious because there is so much we need to get and not a lot of time!  A family friend gave us a very nice swing and just that one item made me feel so good!  It's one thing I can scratch off my list! 

My friend Megan, who I've known since 4th grade, is also very close to having her first baby..A boy!  They're naming him Arlo!  She lives in AZ so I'm kinda bummed we don't live closer so we could have play dates!  I think it's neat that we've known each other all these years and are having our first babies within a couple months of each other..I'm so excited for her!  Last I heard she was pretty close..So I think Baby Arlo might be here SOON, if he's not already! 

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