Wednesday, May 25, 2011

We're BACK!

Where did we go you ask?  No where really.  Our computer just died for a bit so we didn't have a lot of internet access.  But we're finally back up and running!!  Thank goodness for my limited Facebook access on my phone or I would have surely gone crazy!!

Friday Zoe and I took Tony to work so we could bum around town.  Then we picked him up and had dinner out.

I ended up getting up to the station a bit before Tony was actually off, so we had to wait a while.

Zoe flat refused to look at the camera!  Don't you love the smile on her face?  She knows what I want her to do, but she won't do it and she thinks that's funny.  :)


This would have made a great video-but I don't have video capabilities on my phone.  Tony was putting stuff back in the live truck and we happened to be parked right behind it so Zoe could see Tony working.  But he had to go back in the station so Zoe couldn't see him anymore ... She stood there and just YELLED "DADDY!  DADDY! DADDY!"  It was pretty funny.  Hopefully it didn't disturb anyone inside the building!


Tony finally got off work and we went out for a little pizza.  It had been really nice out that day but by the afternoon/evening it was a bit cloudy and windy again.  But there wasn't any room inside so we ate outside.


Eventually Zoe got a little upset.  It was a little bit after her normal dinner time so she was tired of waiting.  When she gets hungry it's very much a "FEED ME NOW OR ELSE" situation, as you can see by this slight meltdown.


Luckily our food arrived shortly after the initial meltdown!

Here's a random picture I took of Zoe and I cooking dinner.  Yes, I've had to cook dinner lately.  :)


This picture just cracked me up.  Savannah had been playing with Zoe's baby doll and I guess she was bad because she got put in the corner for a time out!!  I love hearing her play .. It brings back memories of the things I used to imagine and play at her age.  Such fun!


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