Friday, February 19, 2010

Week 36 Dr's appointment

So now that we're into the 9th month of this pregnancy, I get to see my doctor every week!

I went in this morning and had a pretty good visit.  My blood pressure was a little high but nothing too dangerous.  I haven't had headaches, excessive swelling, or seeing spots so doctor thinks it's okay.  I did gain a few pounds (which I shouldn't be at this point!) so that was kind of depressing but it could have been worse.  I got tested for group B strep and will find out the results next week. 

At my last appointment the doctor was on the fence about doing another ultrasound.  He said he'd decide today after measuring my belly.  After measuring it he decided to get an ultrasound.  So on Monday morning I'll be having my 3rd (and hopefully final) ultrasound to check her growth.  I won't see the doctor that day..My next appointment with him will be on Friday the 26th.  Obviously if something happens before that I can see him sooner. 

So I suppose it's countdown time...I'm pretty anxious and excited!  How about you?!?!

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