Thursday, July 14, 2011


Zoe has discovered another new word.


However, not the big blue sky up in the air.

There is a little girl at "school" named Sky.  So today I went and picked her up and everything she pointed to was "SKY!".  Just like last week everything was "DOGGY!"  Her teacher said Sky calls everyone "Adam" so anyway, they're learning names!  Haha!

In case you couldn't tell by the last video of Zoe playing with her baby, she LOVES babies.  And she's so cute with them.  She's so gentle and loving with them (most of the time).  Zoe will hold her baby, kind of like she's burping them, and she'll pat them on the back like I do with her.  She's also started rubbing her doll's back, like she's soothing them.  It's really sweet.  I need to catch more video of that.

Food has been a struggle.  Sometimes she eats really well.  Other times she hardly eats anything.  The last couple of days they've been having a hard time getting her to eat lunch.  She usually eats her snacks okay.  I've found it hard to get her to eat dinner too.  But she doesn't seem to be fussy like she's hungry all the time ... So we'll just take it in stride and see how it goes.  Maybe it's a slow growth period! 

Did I tell you she finally went up a shoe size?!  Yes, we are finally in a size 4!!  Which means, I had to buy her new shoes!  :)  I have a whole bunch of really great shoes in size 6 and 7 that a family friend gave us and I'm dying for her to grow into them!  They are so pretty! 

Also, next month I plan on enrolling Zoe and I in this "mommy and me" swimming class.  I say "mommy and me" because Tony does not swim.  I however would live in the water if you let me.  Or at least in Phoenix in the summer!  As a little girl we spent HOURS in the pool during the summer!  I LOVED it.  The lessons are for just half an hour, 2 times a week, for 3 weeks.  It's for babies 6 months-3 years I think.  Zoe LOVES the water and I think she'll really enjoy it.  THINK being the key word.  This could go really horribly.  But I'm hopeful.

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