Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

The Gist's are still suffering a bit from this weird cold thing Zoe got.  It's just sort of lingering.  And it's getting old!

Friday, I took Zoe to "school" and then I was able to run some errands.  Including dropping off my resume at a couple places.  Oh, did I mention my temp job ended????  Yes, not very happy.  I guess that's why they call it a temp job.  But still.  It wasn't supposed to be that temporary.

Anyway, the temp agency has a couple more things for me, so we'll see.  I'm a bit scared, because I ended up losing money last time after the cost of daycare.  Instead of it helping us, it put us a bit behind.  UGH.  However, the two new positions are either temp to hire, or temporary until the middle to end of September.  It's a position at the University of Oregon somewhere in a campus housing facility.  So they just need someone during the busy season. 

Friday was also Tony's 29th birthday!  I think he stopped counting a long time ago because he was quite confused when he got his birthday cards that noted the 29 part ... He asked me "Wait.  I'm 29?"  Can we say, D-E-N-I-A-L.  Hahaha.  

After I did a little job hunting, I went to a local thrift store and picked up a couple things of scratch material so I could practice my sewing.  I even found a cute pattern for a little dress for Zoe.  It's really simple so I'm pretty confident I can make it.  I just need to pick out some material.  I ended up getting two patterns of dresses for Zoe.  They're pretty much the same thing .. I'm going to do one hand sewn (that should come out interestingly enough) and then I'm going to save the other one for when I FINALLY get a sewing machine. I am determined to make things and I'd ultimately like to open an Etsy store online.  I also have some knitting projects I'd like to work on.

Last night we were quite pathetic.  After Zoe went to bed Tony and I sat on the couch and I practiced my sewing and then worked on a couple crosswords while Tony did his sudoku puzzles.  I felt very old.  :)

So anyway, while I was at the thrift store, Tony called me and asked me to meet him at Borders where they were doing a story about it closing.  So I went and of course bought some stuff since everything was on clearance.  We typically don't buy books new anymore, thanks to St. Vincent DePaul's and their amazing deals on books.  And yes, I even find newish books there.  So, unless it's something I'm really DYING to have and or it's a great price, I usually wait until I find it at St. Vincent DePaul's.  But the magazines were 40% off so I bought a couple (they were August issues!) and crossword and sudoku books as well as a couple of fun books for Zoe.  Although now that I'm thinking about it, there are a couple cookbooks I should have looked at!

Saturday Zoe and I went to the Bite of Eugene.  Tony was there-but working.  He did a little package on it for work.  It's pretty neat-not as neat as the Bite of Portland or Bite of Minneapolis.  (I think it was the Bite of Minneapolis that I went to when I visited many years ago ...)  Anyway, local restaurants and bakeries gathered at Alton Baker Park and for $1 or $2 you could get a "bite" of their dishes.  Then if you liked it, you could get more.  I don't remember the Bite of Portland being quite like that, but maybe it was.  Anyway, it's a good idea, especially for people like me who are weary of trying new things! 

I failed to get any really great pictures-I left my camera at home.  I did snap a couple of pictures with my phone.

Zoe looks a bit like a ragamuffin in this first photo.  I'm not sure what's going on with her hair.  Normally I put it up when we go out, but for some reason I didn't that day.  It was kind of windy, so I blame the wind.  :)  But really it looks like she just rolled out of bed and I promise you she didn't.  

This last one is just funny because I have no idea what she was so excited about.  She was just stomping around in the grass and thought it was the best thing ever!   

We went to a great Church event Saturday night with great music and Zoe really enjoyed it.  Although towards the end she did get a little antsy.  Sunday I was starting to feel not so great (Monday it hit me full force) so we stayed home and tackled the laundry while Tony went to work.
Oh and yes, Zoe loves to help me with laundry.  I let her push the buttons on the machine and she helps me take the stuff out of the drier and she hands me stuff to fold.  She's a great little helper!

Zoe's vocabulary consists of : hi, bye, Bubby, (or sometimes Bobby), doggy, mommy, daddy, uh oh, thank you, (it kinda sounds like dank you), excuse me, baby, nummy (yummy), Sky, and whoa. 

I'm really working hard on getting her to say cup or milk or water.  Cup is probably more feasible, but still.  :)

Hopefully we can get some new videos soon.  She does so many cute things! 

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