Monday, December 5, 2011

The Latest...

Let's see...Well to start I can tell you Zoe had a doctor's appointment last week.  It was her 18 month well child check-although we got a little behind-no biggie.  She continues to be tiny.  :)  Zoe is 23 pounds (25th percentile) and 30.5 inches (5th percentile).  Doctor was impressed with her vocabulary and says everything is normal and right on track.  She also got 3 shots...I felt so bad.  She was so happy and fine (didn't know what was coming) and she was looking at herself in the mirror when she suddenly got 2 shots in her left leg and 1 shot in her right!  But after a mild meltdown (which I was prepared for a HUGE meltdown) she was fine.  She even got a fun book from the doctor! 

She has learned a few new words.  Pretty, cute, and funny.  More importantly she says "I funny".  We put up our Christmas tree and so she'll point to the tree and say "pretty".  She has a hard time keeping her grabby hands off the tree and the ornaments...It's led to a few time outs.  I'm mostly concerned about her breaking one of the ornaments and cutting herself or something.  I don't really care about the tree itself.  She really only messes with it at night, when the lights are on.

Tony's on vacation this week.  We obviously aren't going anywhere.  But he's enjoying just being at home and not at work.  He's been off since last Monday and won't go back until the 13th I think.  So a good chunk of time off!  If he hadn't used up his vacation time, he would have lost it, so of course he used it! 

I'm feeling better.  Not nearly as sick.  But, when I don't eat, I really feel nauseous.  When I get a craving, it's all I can think about and want.  And then there are the times where I'm starving and NOTHING sounds good.  Sweets are the biggest turn off right now.  Which is so not like me.  I ate ice cream the other night and baby did not like it.  At. All. 

I've decided to go with a midwife this time instead of the doctor I had last time.  He was a great doctor but he has changed practices and I decided I didn't want to go to his new practice.  I also want to have the baby at the birth center and not the hospital.  Not to worry-it's safe and right across the street from the hospital.

Here is their website if you'd like more information.  PeaceHealth Midwifery Birth Center

Here is a video tour of the birth center too.

Well, I think that's it for now.  Oh, wait!  I have a short video of Zoe saying "cookie".

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