Thursday, December 15, 2011

Doctor's Appointment!

I haven't been very good about updating you on my doctor's appointments.

Well, I had one today (I'm 15 weeks and 6 days...).  I'm seeing a midwife, but they have you see all the midwives since any one of them could be on call when I go into labor, they want you to be comfortable with all of them.  And so far I really like all of them!  I feel really comfortable with them and not self-conscious at all. 

I go back in 4 weeks AND I get to have an ultrasound in 4 weeks! Suddenly, this pregnancy is going by really fast!  Of course hearing the heartbeat is amazing...Always so reassuring and definitely makes things feel more real.  This time the baby kept moving around A LOT.  You could hear 'him' swishing around.  I have felt some movement...Not a lot and it's just a little fluttering here and there. 

I am being tested for gestational diabetes...Which I was tested with Zoe (it's pretty standard) and didn't have it, but they found sugar in my urine (sorry-TMI!) so there are concerns I may have diabetes.  (Sweets have been a HUGE turn off for me lately.  Which is not like me at all...But not only does the idea of sweets make me nauseous, I ate a small bowl of ice cream a few weeks ago and it literally made me sick.)  My goal of giving birth at the birth center depends solely on my blood pressure.  If it stays about the same throughout my pregnancy, she said I could give birth at the birth center.  If it gets high again like last time, I'll be back at the hospital.  :(

So far, zero weight gain.  I'm actually still down 5 pounds. 

Other then the possibility of diabetes, everything is good and right on track.  Hope the next 4 weeks go by fast!

OH and my job assignment just got extended until the end of January!  WOO HOO!!

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