Saturday, July 14, 2012

summer fun!

Wow!  The last two days have been so much fun!

My sister and her family were in town Thursday evening, so we got to spend some time with them at our favorite park.  They were so sweet and treated us to a wonderful picnic dinner (I now have some new favorites from a local market I'll have to get more often!) and Zoe LOVED playing with her cousins.  She was pretty quiet at the park, but as soon as we were in the car heading home she had a bit of a meltdown.  Zoe apparently wasn't ready to have to leave and say good-bye to everyone.  Hopefully we can see them again soon! 

This afternoon we were busy making cupcakes for a friend's baby shower that was this evening.  They are expecting their 2nd baby (a boy) and already have a 3 year old son.  Zoe loves playing with the 3 year old and Noah will get to grow up with their newest addition.  So Zoe has had a lot of fun playing with friends (outdoors! yay!) the last 2 days.

My goal for tomorrow is to get to the library!  We don't go to the library downtown (there's another library branch just down the street from us that we usually go to..) too often because you have to park in a parking garage a little ways away and when it's raining, it's no fun to walk with a toddler!  But the weather is nice and parking is free on the weekends.  My sweet friend Lyndsey (the non-practicing librarian) posted a list of must-read/must-have books on her blog-check it out here.  So we're checking some of them out tomorrow!  One of them on her list is 'Knuffle Bunny' and my sister actually got this for Zoe a while back and Zoe LOVES it.  We read it at least once a day.  Seriously.  Luckily I like it too.  :)

I'm hoping for a nice, calm, trip downtown.  It'd be a great day to get some fresh air, and find some fun, new, books.  The one I'm really worried about not cooperating is not Zoe, but Noah.  I think if I carry him in my Moby wrap he'll be okay.  Wanna know what carrier I'd really really really love to have?  An Ergo!  I hadn't even heard of it until a year or so ago AFTER I bought my Moby wrap.  Now, don't get me wrong..I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Moby.  But I think the Ergo would be a little easier for me and I could use it a lot longer.  Right now, it's just not in my price range.  I'll have to save up for it.  So luckily I have my Moby to use in the mean time.  (Yes, I've looked at Craigslist and they're still a little pricey.  I'd rather just buy a new one for the extra few bucks...)

Well friends and family, I hope you have an awesome summer weekend too.  I'm so thankful the weather here isn't too hot!  We're in the mid 80's and it's PERFECTION! I adore this time of year.

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