Saturday, July 7, 2012

Zoe's 2 Year Check-Up

Zoe had her 2 year check-up in June, when we took Noah in for his 2 week check-up.  She is so tiny!

She is 26 pounds (25th percentile) and only 32 inches tall...(and that's not even totally accurate...They couldn't get her to stand still so they sort of 'gave' her 32 inches.  That's NOT EVEN 5th percentile for height!!)

Doctor says she's doing great...Right on track..Normal..Healthy.  Phew!  It's so reassuring to hear that from your pediatrician.  I mean, so often I feel like I'm failing and struggling (especially with TWO babies now) as a parent so to hear that I'm actually doing SOMETHING right, feels so reassuring and comforting. 

The latest pictures!

Picnic lunch.

Tony LOVES this picture.

She's ready to Skype!

Yummy Jimmie John's!

She's quick!

She hides as soon as she sees the vacuum!

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