Monday, March 5, 2012

Our Weekend...

...Mostly involved food.  Ha.  I recently bought my first crock-pot and I LOVE it.  I mean, I never thought I'd be excited for a kitchen gadget, but I honestly have no idea why we didn't buy one years and years ago.  I could have been cooking this whole time! 

I made some yummy mac n cheese...chicken cordon bleu...And more recently pot roast.  I know...I'm not really a meat fan, but I have to admit, the pot roast came out really well.  It just fell apart.  I think Tony was in heaven...He's definitely a meat and potatoes kind of guy.  All the ingredients for all the meals have been pretty cheap and easy to find...Nothing too crazy.  And really, if I can do it, anyone can do it. 

I also made some muffins.

One of the things I recently discovered that Zoe loves are mini pizzas on English Muffins.  Seriously..So easy.  Leftover spaghetti/marinara sauce and some cheese on an English muffin with a side of veggies and the girl is seriously happy.  You could add toppings but she never eats them.  (I tried it...It's pretty good!)  Really fast and easy to make.

Friday AND Saturday, Z refused to nap.  And she is the toddler you can tell did not get a nap.  She drove me crazy Saturday afternoon.  But later in the evening we watched a Curious George movie and she got all cuddly and quiet and life was good again.

We also painted our nails...(I paint her toenails and then I paint my fingernails).  She picked out the colors...She got red on her toes and I got pink on my fingers.  We went to Church Sunday morning and she had a mild panic attack when she had to leave the baby doll behind at the Church nursery.  She kept saying "Wait wait..Baby".  Luckily there were a lot of people to say good-bye to on the way out the door, so she eventually forgot about the baby.  But it was cute.  She loves the babies...And stuffed animals...When I went to get her she had the baby all wrapped in a blanket.  She's a good mommy.  :)

Well, I think that pretty much wraps up our weekend.  Nothing special...Nothing major.  Hope you had a lovely weekend too!

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