Saturday, September 29, 2012

2 weeks?!?

How did I let 2 weeks go by without blogging!?  Oh my ... It's been even longer since I blogged on my other blog.  Yikes.  Oh well.  :) 

Anyway, let's see.

Oh yes, I started my new job.  And I LOVE it.  Seriously.  I feel incredibly overwhelmed.  BUT, I'm learning so much.  And I can't wait until I know a lot more and can do a lot more.  Everyone is extremely nice and understanding...No one expects me to know everything right away, they all realize it's a lot to learn.  So that takes a lot of pressure off me.  But I can be a perfectionist and hard on myself because I do want to know everything, right now! 

The kids are doing well.  They're both pretty attached to me once I get home, which is to be expected and I'm not complaining!  I'm glad they missed me all day!  They love their sitter, who comes 3 days a week in the afternoons.  She is looking for a full time job so I am worried I'll lose her at some point.  My brain can't even handle worrying about that right now.

Noah is already 4 months old (and the size of like a 7 month old!).  He'll be having his 4 month well child check on Monday (I have to miss it because I can't take any time off work-obviously!).  More shots...And I hate that I won't be there for that part of it.  Argh.  He's rolling over and sitting up in his Bumbo seat and generally a happy baby.  (At least for me...Tony complains a lot that he's pretty fussy during the day for him...I think it's just Tony!).  We did have a bottle issue...I obviously can't nurse him during the day, so he gets a bottle with breast milk when I'm not home but he apparently wasn't a fan of the bottles we had.  So we had to switch.  I hear he handles those much better!  Of course when I do get home, he pretty much nurses every couple of hours.  :)  He is going for longer stretches at night...3-4 hours.  At this age Zoe was only getting up once in the night to eat, but she was also a formula baby and they tend to go longer between feedings because it takes them longer to digest formula.

Zoe is completely potty trained.  I think she's had one or 2 accidents since we started this whole process and the last time she had an accident was like a month or more ago, at Church.  She doesn't even wear training pants during the night or naps anymore.  She always woke up dry so I just stopped putting her in them.  So far, so good! 

She's counting a lot now...Tony works out during the day and he has her count with him while he counts reps.  Totally funny and cute.  She usually starts at 4, skips 5, and gets to 11.  Progress! 

Bedtime with her is still a nightmare.  I think it's her bed/room.  We totally should have done the Montessori style nursery for her from the get go.  Wish I had known about it back then!  I think that would have solved a lot of our problems.  Right now we're saving up for a bigger mattress for her and I think we'll keep it on the floor for a while.  She's such a short, tiny person.  I think having it on the floor will help.  We want to get her some nice bedding (right now it's just a hodge-podge assortment of sheets...) and hopefully that'll help.  We're lucky if she gets to sleep before 1 AM.  And she has to get up at 7 AM at the very latest because they take me to work in the morning.  Ideally I'd like her up at 6:30 so we can eat breakfast together, get dressed, etc.  But so far that hasn't worked out.  I'm really thinking it's her bed.  She did this awful screaming before bed thing when she outgrew her crib.  As soon as we got her in the toddler bed, she slept beautifully.  Now we're back to screaming again.  It's dreadful.  And yes, we have tried no nap during the day or shortening her nap.  Nothing seems to help.  I'm hoping at the end of October we'll be able to afford to get her a new bed.  Then her current mattress will probably go to Noah upstairs.  It is a little thick so I am worried about him rolling off....But I'll figure that out.  (Our current bed is on the floor and he has rolled off that and it never phased him...Freaked me out, but didn't phase him.  It's not a very thick mattress so it's not like he rolled off a high bed or anything...)

I'm also hoping to bike to work!  Yes, even in the dreadful rain.  We don't live incredibly close to downtown, but close enough that it's doable and it'd be an awesome workout for me.  My current goal is to get up at 5 AM so I can workout...Obviously that hasn't happened.  If I did bike to work, I imagine I'd have to leave around 7 AM to get there a little before 8 AM.  At least in the beginning.

I also do not have any pictures to share this time.  Sorry.  I've been really awful at taking pictures.  Oh, but I will hopefully have some next week.  Noah was dedicated at Church last week and I'll probably have some pictures from that....A friend at Church was kind and sweet enough to take pictures for us!

Alright, I think that's it for now.  I'm doing a separate post about Christmas! 

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