Thursday, September 6, 2012

oh, yes, hello!!

Hmmm, yes, I'm a bit behind in my blogging aren't I?

Well, as always, the days seem to fly by around here.

Since going back to work, I haven't had any time to sit at the computer.

Thanks to the internet/email/Facebook on my phone, I know about some things happening in the world (I can check it while I nurse Noah).

I have some great news I'll be sharing in the coming days, but can't say anything right now.  (And you can quickly forget the idea that it has anything to do with another baby.  NO NEW BABY!)

Zoe is completely potty trained.  She had one accident a couple weeks ago at Church. 

Noah has slept for 4 hours straight the last TWO nights!  Let's see how tonight goes...

We found a great babysitter to watch the kids when Tony and I's work schedules conflict and she's willing to do a couple nights a month so Tony and I can actually have a date night!  Wow.  Huge blessing!

I have lots of pictures to share, but none of them are on the computer.  They are all on my phone.  Sorry.

I'm really tired and would love to be in bed right now (especially since the kids are sleeping!!!) but we have to pick up Tony at 12:30 AM from work.  YUCK.  And yes, I have to be up at 6 AM for work.  It's kind of a bummer.  But it won't be forever.  And it's only 2 nights a week that I have to do this.

I do miss being home with my babies all day, but I love being out in the world, doing productive things.  I appreciate my time at home a lot more and I think my patience lasts a little longer now too.  I'm not so worn out and tired and frustrated.  (I think Tony is though! Haha!)

I slightly regret cutting my hair a few months ago.  I do wish it were long again. But when it gets long, I always chop it off.  It's a vicious cycle, really.

While I'm sad to see summer go (I love the long days, the sunshine, the happy skies, the warm temps), I am excited about buying the kids new fall clothes.  Fall clothes are so cute.  This summer the only time the kids really wore clothes was when we had to leave the house, so neither one of them had very exciting outfits.  (Yes, I care slightly about those things, you should not be surprised.  Don't judge me.  Baby/Toddler clothes are so cute!  And I live vicariously through Zoe.)

I have nothing left to say.  Let's just hope I don't fall asleep and forget to get Tony.  Wouldn't that be tragic?  

Love to you all.

Yes, I promise.  Pictures will be posted soon.  Perhaps this weekend?

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