Saturday, September 29, 2012


So here are my plans/goals for Christmas.

I want to keep things simple.  I've always said "things" aren't important and I want to instill that in my children at an early age.  Everything we have is a blessing and I've seen so many pictures of families with their heaping mounds of gifts and I just don't want that to be us.  (No offense to any families out there who do that!). 

For stockings I'm thinking about the boring stuff...PJ's, underwear, fun socks, etc.  For Noah probably bibs, little teething toys, etc. 

The big thing we want to get Zoe this year is a doll house!  She's played with one a couple times and it keeps her incredibly occupied and she loves it.  So that'll be her big gift.  Other things she loves is, books, dinosaurs, and cars.  We have enough babies, play dishes, play food, stuffed animals.  Oh and arts and craft things....We go through a lot of construction paper!  Edible paint and edible play-doh is also on my list...(There is such a thing!)

For Noah, I'm still at a loss.  Clothes?  Probably toys...But again, I don't want things to get too out of control!  I'll come back to him...

We always needs clothes, PJ's, shoes, etc.  Always.  We're constantly growing, playing hard-being rough on our clothes and shoes, and here the seasons actually change so we do constantly need different things. 

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