Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Doctor's Appointment!

Today we had yet another doctor's appointment!  Today I had my dreaded glucose test done!  The drink wasn't as bad as I was expecting.  It was like a really flat syrupy Sprite.  Luckily it was cold but it was still nasty.  There was also a lot of it to drink and I only had 5 minutes to get it down!!  Then I had to sit around and wait for an hour and then I had to get my blood drawn.  I don't have the best veins for taking blood but he didn't have too hard of a time and only had to prick me once!  They are checking for anemia and obviously gestational diabetes.  If it doesn't come back within normal range, I'll have to go back for a 3 hour test..So I'm really crossing my fingers it comes back normal!!

We got to hear Zoe's heartbeat of course.  And we went over a few things with my doctor.  It was a good appointment.  I will know start going every 2 weeks.  So my next appointment is January 5th.  Then 2 weeks after that I'll have another ultrasound done!  And at that point, it'll only be 8 weeks left...So yes, I'm freaking out a bit!  Don't get me wrong..I'm excited.  I'm just thinking about the 80 million things I still need to get!

The scale is a bit scary..My doctor says I'm still on track for weight gain and it's pretty steady.  He says most of it is fluid retention...I think I'm pretty huge!  And I really cringed when I saw the latest number.  I have never been this heavy before!  And I really hope after Zoe is born, it won't be too hard to lose the weight.  I have pre-baby weight I want to lose too though.  Luckily we have a gym at our new place with 24 hour access so I won't have any excuses!

All in all, things are moving right along and thus far looking good and normal.  I just can't believe how fast the time is going.  It's scary!  I just feel overwhelmed with the amount of things left to get and set up.  It's a lot of change happening at once!

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