Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bella Couture!!

My wonderful hubby, Zoe's very excited daddy, found me a new, favorite place to spend money!  BELLA COUTURE!! This store is GORGEOUS.  I was totally intimidated thinking we wouldn't be able to afford a single thing and would walk out disappointed...But I was very wrong!  They do have a few pieces that are kind of expensive but they are totally beautiful and honestly I would probably splurge on them every once in a while!  I bought 6 items and the most expensive thing I bought was $25.  Some of it is used, but in like new condition...(Trust me..I'm picky!)  I had gotten a Christmas bonus from one of my resident's family, so I used that to buy some totally beautiful things for Zoe.

Here are some pictures of the things we bought...I only got 1 thing she'll be able to wear right away..Everything else is 3-6 months for summer! 

Ready?!  I'm so excited to show you!

The lady who owned the store wrapped everything up in this gorgeous tissue paper and then had these great bags..I was so excited!  




Tony picked out this little dress..So cute!  (He's really great at picking out clothes..He still struggles with the sizes sometimes, but that's okay!)


I thought this dress would be PERFECT for Church!


This is the one outfit I bought that is 0-3 months..


This outfit is the one I splurged on...There was another one that I really wanted but it was a little more expensive and decided against it, but I knew I would kick myself if I didn't buy this!


This little hat is too cute and matches many of the things we've purchased..


And this last piece, is my absolute favorite.  I HAD to have it.  I didn't care what size it was, she had to have it.  It's 3-6 months so it'll be perfect for summer...It's just too cute and fun. 


Tony did a great job...I think he even had fun with me in this very girly, pink, store!  He knows how much I love clothes and how excited I am to buy for a little girl and finding this place for me was very special.  Wanna know what's even better?!?!  It's just down the street from our new place!  :-)  I hope this store stays in business because it's my new favorite place to shop for Zoe.  I want to go back to find her an Easter dress!  I'm so excited we found this new place!  Thanks hubby!  You're the best...She is definitely going to be our Princess! 

Oh and yesterday we did buy some things at TJMaxx because they were having a big sale..I didn't take pictures of those things, we packed them. But they are adorable!  Again, I bought mostly 3-6 months..I need to stop that!  But they had so many things that were in the size perfect for summer! 

1 comment:

Me said...

So Cute!!! I love the skirt! What are you in need of? Did you register? I can't come out when you have Princess Zoe, but I can at least send a little something to start spoiling her! :-)