Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New Work Schedule...

Oh and I forgot to mention that as of January, I will be stepping down to a different position. I will be doing rec support instead of being the full on caregiver. I will basically be the caregiver's support. I'm really excited and relieved. I won't have to worry about passing meds and I won't be the one solely responsible for the care of 11 people. I'll get to do activities and just help the caregiver any way I can. When I first started my job, I started in rec support so I've already done it and know what to do. I'll work more days per work, but only 5 hours a shift and again, the stress level will be so much less which is really what I care about!

Also, with my new hours, Tony will be able to drive me and pick me up so if I can't drive for whatever reason (too big, weather, etc) I'll get off early enough it won't interfere with his sleep schedule too much. All in all, it's a perfect plan!

Once Zoe is born and I'm able to go back to work, I'm not sure what I'll do...If I'll stick with just rec support or go back to direct care. I haven't decided...I'll keep ya posted!

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