Friday, June 3, 2011

Who Needs Toys When You Have a Laundry Basket!!

Zoe loves to play with my laundry basket.  Especially when it has clothes in it!  She always helps me take out the clothes.  If it's not being used for laundry, she'll take it and throw toys in it and then take them out and then throw them back in.  She also loves pushing and dragging the basket around which you'll see in the video below!

Zoe definitely doesn't need toys to have a good time.  She also enjoys playing with the sales ads (the ones I don't need or am done looking at!), and unfortunately the dog's toys.  But luckily she doesn't put those in her mouth!  (Anymore!  Haha!  EWWWW!)  Zoe has more recently been able to put the blocks together ... She used to just chew on them or throw them or hand them to us.  But now she actually 'builds' things with them.

A family friend gave us some puzzles which she loves!  She loves taking the pieces out of the puzzle but doesn't care that much for putting them back.  (They're those beginner puzzles with animals-putting the animals in the right spots).

She's a very lovey dovey baby ... Hugs all her stuffed animals and her baby doll.  She has especially grown fond of her Curious George stuffed monkey.  The left hand has come undone around the wrist area so we've lost quite a bit of stuffing...I haven't had a chance to take him over to Grandma Kathleen's house to see if she can sew him back up!  Hopefully she can-otherwise we'll have to get a new one!  Tony jokingly suggested duct tape last night.

She loves blueberry waffles, eggs, pancakes, milk (especially chocolate milk but we only give that to her every now and then if we're out at a restaurant), cereal (both cold cereal and oatmeal), and yogurt among many other things!  We haven't mastered keeping food on a plate or using any kind of utensil like a spoon.  But I've been giving her a spoon at meals and she kind of plays with it so we'll get there.

We also fear she may be trying to climb out of her crib .. Tony went up to get her from her nap and her crib bumper was all smashed down like she had been stepping on it.  So we'll just see.  Wouldn't be surprised though .. She's quite the active, don't-hold-me-back, kind of girl. 

Zoe is also very observant.  The other night I was putting lotion on her and she watched me for a bit.  Then she stuck her little hand under the pump part of the bottle, just like I had, 'pushed' down (of course not hard enough to get anything out) and then clapped her hands together like she had lotion in them!  Super cute!  She also mimicked Tony last night when he was eating dinner.  Yes, she's quite the riot!

I've tried a couple times to get Zoe to do some scribbling with crayons (it was suggested by our pediatrician as an activity to do with her) but she always just wanted to EAT the crayons.  So I tried again tonight and this time she LOVED it.  I scribbled on some paper, she scribbled on some paper.  She did not like it when I tried to take one crayon out of her hand to give her another one.  Nor did she like it when I tried to help her draw.  She wanted to pick out the crayons and do it ALL herself!  Yup that's my girl.  Ms. Independent.  She especially loved taking crayons out of the crayon box!  I had to 'hide' it a couple times to avoid having 64 crayons all over the table.  I let her have like 5 at a time and then we'd switch them up. 

So, we colored for about 45 minutes before bed and finally I HAD to give her some milk, change her diaper, and get her to bed.  She DID NOT want to stop drawing.  I finally had to pry the crayons out of her hand and she threw a big fit.  Oops.  So we found something new that she loves!

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