Sunday, June 12, 2011

Zoe Loves ...

1.  Banana Bread ... 
I have been making banana bread like weekly and she LOVES it.  She recognizes it and just freaks out when she sees you with it.  There is no hiding banana bread from her.  I think if she eats anymore, she might actually turn into a loaf of banana bread.

2.  Curious George ...
Tony got her this Curious George stuffed toy for Christmas and she quickly grew attached.  And the bond has only gotten stronger.  Poor George's left wrist came undone and Grandma Kathleen had to sew him back up.  It took us a little while to realize, so he did lose a bit of stuffing.  But he's all healed up now.
3.  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ...
This is actually a cute show on The Disney Channel.  It's on in the morning and at the end of the show they do the "hot dog dance" and Zoe will literally drop whatever she's doing when she hears the song start up and just start dancing.  It's hilarious.  I should try and record her watching it.

4.  Just about any theme song to a TV show ...
I think it's music in general.  But she loves it.  When she's really into it, she stomps, and claps her her hands and her face gets really intense like she's really concentrating.  It kind of reminds us of Steve Martin in the beginning of "The Jerk". 

5.  Carbs ...
Zoe is not much of a meat eater.  (Tony blames me for that for some reason!  Hehe!)  But she will eat up her veggies, potatoes, bread, and pasta, like there is no tomorrow.  

6.  Sleep ... 
Sleeping she gets from Tony.  :)  She's still taking a morning nap and for a while it was her longest nap of the day, taking a shorter one in the afternoon.  Which seems just backwards to me.  Today she woke up late, so she didn't take a morning nap but took an early afternoon nap and I think that works much better.  Plus, if she goes back into daycare, that's what their schedule is like.  Just one nap after lunch.  Although they said if she needs a morning nap they'll get her to take one.  But I don't think she needs one.  :)

Oh and just a random bit of information Zoe now says "Ow" when she touches/hits you.  She hit me the other day with a block and I yelled "OW!!"  cause it did hurt so now she just says it when she touches/hits you.  We are trying to break her of the hitting thing, but I've heard/read it's pretty normal for this age.  I'm still worried about it because again, if she goes back into day care I don't need her hitting anyone!

She also says something that sounds like "excuse me" when she burps.  When we were watching Savannah and she burped, she would always say "excuse me" after.  And we always say "excuse you" after Zoe burps or toots.  So now she says something that sounds like "excuse me" and it's really cute.  I should also try to get that on video.

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